Re: Loop on mysql output with bash

From: Lew Pitcher <>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 14:18:30 -0400
Message-ID: <p86g9m$2i8$>

Lew Pitcher wrote:

> Boubaker Idir wrote:

>> Hello Pitcher thank you for your answer.
>> I have a database with the name "Mydatabase" with a table wifi, the table
>> wifi has those elements: id, packetid, bssid,rssi. multiple id have the
>> same packetid, and different bssid and rssi. I want to do a select from
>> my database and to put it in a json file like this:
>> {"wlan": [{"mac": "78:54:2E:EC:75:96", "powrx": -52},{"mac":
>> {"16:2D:27:96:08:36", "powrx": -56},{"mac": "F8:D1:11:4C:28:EC", "powrx":
>> {-73},{"mac": "00:14:6C:41:37:8E", "powrx": -76},{"mac":
>> {"00:23:04:5C:73:9A", "powrx": -77},{"mac": "00:23:04:5C:73:90", "powrx":
>> {-79},{"mac": "00:23:04:5C:60:40", "powrx": -81}]}
>> I want this output in a json file for each packetid,

> When there are rows that all have the same packetid, what do you want your
> json file to contain? Would it contain a) a line for each row that has
> that packetid, or b) a single line aggregating all the rows that have that
> packetid, or c) a single line summarizing the first row that has that
> packetid, or d) a single line summarizing the last row that has that
> packetid, or e) something else (please provide details)?
>> the same result each
>> time to send it via curl to an API, so I must have a loop for each
>> packetid and each time the results goes to the json file.

> Do you want a unique file for each unique packetid? Or would one file for
> all suffice?
>> Thank you I hope
>> I explained better

> If you will accept
> a) a line of JSON for each row, and
> b) a single file, then
correction - you need to group for GROUP_CONCAT

  mysql -BN -u root -pMyPassword -s -N >text2.txt <<QUERY_INPUT   use myDatabase;
  SELECT CONCAT("{""wlan"":
  [",GROUP_CONCAT(JSON_OBJECT("mac",bssid,"powrx",rssi)), "]}") FROM wifi   GROUP BY packetid
> mysql -BN -u root -pMyPassword -s -N >text2.txt <<QUERY_INPUT
> use myDatabase;
> SELECT CONCAT("{""wlan"":
> [",GROUP_CONCAT(JSON_OBJECT("mac",bssid,"powrx",rssi)), "]}") FROM wifi
> ORDER BY packetid
> might be enough.

Lew Pitcher
"In Skills, We Trust"
PGP public key available upon request
Received on Mon Mar 12 2018 - 19:18:30 CET

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