Re: Database comparison

From: Mladen Gogala <>
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2021 23:38:16 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Pap, do you work for Snowflake? From your discussions I know you to be a competent Oracle DBA and yet, you bring up a crappy propaganda like this? You haven't even mentioned TPC-H and its results:

No Snowflake in TPC-H 3.0 despite the database itself mentioning the schema:

So there is that magical database which doesn't need indexes, administration, compression and is scalable up to effing infinity but they don't do TPC-H? And you bring up for discussion something that is obviously a Snowflake sales pitch, full of half truths and downright lies. What's the motive behind that? Do you work for Snowflake? Are you on commission? Snowflake is being sold as a magical solution for all things data warehouse, but they haven't bother to produce even a single benchmark that would help me rate them. They are selling very aggressively and this is not the first time I hear about them. Even Oracle is playing nice with them and has created GG adapter for Snowflake:

Yet virtually nothing about this database is known. There is no free stuff that can help you learn it. No explanation for the outrageous claims ("no indexes"). As of now, I regard Snowflake as MIPS ("Marketing Invention for Pushing Sales"). And yet you bring up such a low quality laughable "comparison" despite being a competent Oracle DBA. Why is that?

If you want a huge cloud based DW database, try Microsoft Data Lake. I have some good experiences with that. That is a real DB, SQL Server on steroids, and it needs a DBA, indexes and the whole nine yards. It is based on proven and rock solid SQL Server data warehouse reputation. For now, Snowflake looks more like a data whorehouse product.

On 4/17/21 2:36 AM, Pap wrote:
>  I understand this list group is mainly expert around
> oracle databases, but assuming that some must have explored other
> databases options or get a chance to work on other databases, are
> these points all true and Snowflake is currently the best
> warehouse/analytics database in the market now or any other databases
> are there proven record?
> <>

Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Tel: (347) 321-1217

Received on Sun Apr 18 2021 - 05:38:16 CEST

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