RE: sqlcl and sqlplus (Jeff Smith)

From: Jeff Smith <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2019 06:14:32 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <3da324f2-c050-4d41-938f-4b8b56b9f787_at_default>

It’s ‘set history limit 200’


Did you know that SQLcl actually keeps your history between sessions? I’m glad for our SQL*Plus users that it finally has a history now, and also supports the CSV output.



Having a sep login.sql for SQLcl would be nice though.


From: Mladen Gogala <> Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2019 1:30 PM
To: oracle-l <> Subject: Re: sqlcl and sqlplus (Jeff Smith)


Also "set history 200" breaks SQLcl:

SQL> set history 200
Invalid set history optionSET HISTORY

set history [FAILS [LIMIT [ n | DEFAULT ] ] | NOFAILS
           |BLACKLIST [DEFAULT <command list>?|<command list>?]
           |LIMIT [n|DEFAULT]]
        FAILS sets history command to show failed statements.
       use limit to limit number of failues
        NOFAILS sets history command to not show failed statements
        BLACKLIST sets a list of sqlcl commands that can be excluded from the history
        LIMIT sets a new max size for the history

Sqlplus has absolutely no problems with "set history 200".  Of course, my developers absolutely love history run <n> and history <n> edit commands. The two programs are different enough to warrant two different login.sql initialization files.




On 6/15/19 1:02 PM, Mladen Gogala wrote:

I am using a brand new Oracle 19c test VM and unfortunately, I am not the only one. Since both SQLcl and sqlplus come with the installation, I opted for sql and have put "set sqlformat ansiconsole" among other things in $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql because both sql and sqlplus are reading that file. However, my colleagues are getting an error when they attempt usng sqlplus, so I have removed the offending directive from glogin.sql. Since those tools are diverging more and more, would it be possible to separate the initialization SQL files for both tools?

This question is primarily for Jeff Smith, the product manager.



Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Tel: (347) 321-1217
-- Received on Mon Jun 17 2019 - 15:14:32 CEST

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