Re: Duplicate DB

From: Stefan Knecht <>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2018 21:18:29 +0700
Message-ID: <>

You can complete the duplicate manually as described here:

Manual Completion of a Failed RMAN Backup based Duplicate(Doc ID 360962.1)

On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 8:36 PM, Sanjay Mishra <> wrote:

> Hi
> Need some expert advice on Oracle Duplication database command. I had 20Tb
> multitenant database where the need to recover some old data for multiple
> schema and so restoring one out of 5 pluggable to new Server and is Exadata
> server.
> Started the restore using Tape and it has to restore 2.5 Tb and failed
> after 500 files due to one missing Path in ASM and so added the directory
> and started again and saw it skipped those 500 files.
> It then worked and completed the restore and then started the Recover with
> Archivelog and failed after few recoveries due to Shared pool error.
> Restarted again but then it skipped some file but had to restore more than
> 300 files which even skipped in the second attempt. Is it because those
> might be recovered to new SCN as some recovery was done. Again it failed at
> the even end while creating Redolog as missing online log.
> Can I use the environment at this stage without going for another Restart
> of Duplicate? like adding Log file manually and doing any recover or open
> reset logs. I can see the PDB I am looking is still shown as some UNDEFINED
> name
> Anyway I restarted the Restore again and it is using the same controlfile
> backup to restore and started but this time restoring all files and didn't
> skipped any. SO again the question is if this comes due to Recovery
> completed earlier.
> Please share your thought on the process for better understanding
> Sanjay

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Received on Wed Mar 21 2018 - 15:18:29 CET

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