Re: kdmsIMCURelease

From: Tanel Poder <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2018 18:41:11 -0600
Message-ID: <>

You can also try to set *optimizer_inmemory_aware = false* as a second parameter to test, although the crash didn't happen in optimization phase, but later during the execution (but optimizer's earlier actions do of course affect execution-time activities later on).

Tanel Poder

On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 6:26 PM, Tanel Poder <> wrote:

> Thanks for a good excuse for geeking out ;-)
> This stack trace shows that the problem happens during execution phase of
> your select statement - *selexe()*. The QEC in *qecrlssub()* means
> something like *Q*uery *E*xecution sql *C*apability checking.
> And I guess you are hitting a bug when finishing a table or partition scan
> - *qertbRelease() *- Oracle tries to release a pin on some in-memory
> compression unit that it thinks has been pinned during the scan. Perhaps it
> thinks that some IMCU has been "opened" due to the capability check of
> whether a table/block region is cached in the IM columnstore. Or something
> like that (it's a bug, who knows).
> But given that Oracle's trying to do IMCU checks when you don't even have
> tables cached in memory - try setting *alter session set **inmemory_query
> = false* (it's true by default) and rerun your query, maybe it alters
> the code path so it doesn't even hit this buggy codepath.
> --
> Thanks,
> Tanel Poder
> P.S. Oh, almost forgot to mention, I'm running my AOT seminar one more
> time this year ;-)
Received on Wed Jan 10 2018 - 01:41:11 CET

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