OUI freezing on install on KVM

From: <keydana_at_gmx.de>
Date: Sun, 4 May 2014 16:30:56 +0200
Message-Id: <D1146C9D-CA81-4DC0-97C9-2C2C13346D2E_at_gmx.de>


I wonder if anyone has encountered the problem of OUI and other Java tools freezing - at different places, depending on the options chosen - when installing (GI as well as database), or when running dbca, on, without apparent reason? I get to see some sort of light-grey upward rectangle in midst the installer window, and then it hangs forever…

My environment is:

host: fedora 20, using kvm for virtualization

guests: centos 6.5, screen resolution 1028x768, java is openjdk 64 bit server vm, version 1.7.0_45

I got to install the binaries only by using silent install (encountering yet another bug there …), but now this happens with dbca and presumably, every other java tool, too…

It’d be great if anyone had encountered this and found a solution/workaround…

many thanks in advance
http://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-l Received on Sun May 04 2014 - 16:30:56 CEST

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