ORA-01747: invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column specification

From: Jose Soares <jose.soares_at_sferacarta.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 11:56:22 +0100
Message-ID: <5146F2D6.9020809_at_sferacarta.com>

Hi all,

This time I got the error ORA-01747: invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column specification
in this query and I can't find the error. Please could someone help me?

insert into gestione_doc_file
values ('544','2013.02.19-12.21.22.odt',NULL,'2013-02-19 12:21:22.951426',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'443','C',NULL,NULL,NULL,'2013-02-19 12:21:22.951426',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); ORA-01747: invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column specification

this is the table schema:

name                        | type                       | length| 
nullable| default
----------------------------+ ---------------------------+ ------+ 
--------+ ------------------
chiave_tabella_proven       | nvarchar2                  | 600   | 
Y       | NULL
cod_argomento               | nvarchar2                  | 10    | 
Y       | NULL
data_creazione              | timestamp(6) with time zone| 0     | 
data_protocollo             | date                       | 0     | 
Y       | NULL
descrizione                 | nvarchar2                  | 200   | 
Y       | NULL
id                          | number                     | 0     | 
N       | NULL
id_catalogazione_modulistica| number                     | 0     | 
Y       | NULL
id_operatore                | number                     | 0     | 
Y       | NULL
id_operatore_modifica       | number                     | 0     | 
Y       | NULL
id_unita_aziendale          | number                     | 0     | 
Y       | NULL
limite_conservazione        | date                       | 0     | 
Y       | NULL
nomefile                    | nvarchar2                  | 500   | 
N       | NULL
nome_tabella_proven         | nvarchar2                  | 100   | 
Y       | NULL
nome_visualizzato           | nvarchar2                  | 200   | 
Y       | NULL
protocollo                  | nvarchar2                  | 100   | 
Y       | NULL
tipo_documento              | nvarchar2                  | 1     | 
N       | NULL
tipo_file                   | nvarchar2                  | 30    | 
Y       | NULL
ts_annullamento             | timestamp(6) with time zone| 0     | 
Y       | NULL
ts_ultima_modifica          | timestamp(6) with time zone| 0     | 

(19 rows)

thanks for any help

Received on Mon Mar 18 2013 - 11:56:22 CET

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