RE: ORA-01747: invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column specification

From: Mark W. Farnham <>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 09:28:37 -0400
Message-ID: <010101ce23dc$8027c3b0$80774b10$>

In the interest of helping you with future such issues, I recommend pinning the question "Is a binary search useful in this context?" in your cache.

In this case, you would count the columns, keep ceil(half) of the columns
(of column descriptors and value clause elements, each) until it works. The
last section you discard before it works will then contain the error. Rinse and repeat until you find the column(s) that are errors and you will *probably* be able to see the error by examining types and detailed syntax of the constants.

In general, scanning a long list for error is both tedious and error prone. How many elements make a list "long" varies a bit by individual, but I'd take a stab at 5-9 being the border beyond which a list is functionally too long to efficiently edit by eye.

Good luck with your actual problem.



-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Jose Soares
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 6:56 AM
Subject: ORA-01747: invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column specification

Hi all,

This time I got the error ORA-01747: invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column specification in this query and I can't find the error.
Please could someone help me?

insert into gestione_doc_file
otocollo,tipo_file,id_operatore,id_catalogazione_modulistica,tipo_documento, nome_tabella_proven,chiave_tabella_proven,id_unita_aziendale,ts_ultima_modif ica,cod_argomento,ts_annullamento,id_operatore_modifica,limite_conservazione )
values ('544','2013.02.19-12.21.22.odt',NULL,'2013-02-19
ORA-01747: invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column specification

this is the table schema:

name                        | type                       | length| 
nullable| default
----------------------------+ ---------------------------+ ------+ 
--------+ ------------------
chiave_tabella_proven       | nvarchar2                  | 600   | 
Y       | NULL
cod_argomento               | nvarchar2                  | 10    | 
Y       | NULL
data_creazione              | timestamp(6) with time zone| 0     | 
data_protocollo             | date                       | 0     | 
Y       | NULL
descrizione                 | nvarchar2                  | 200   | 
Y       | NULL
id                          | number                     | 0     | 
N       | NULL
id_catalogazione_modulistica| number                     | 0     | 
Y       | NULL
id_operatore                | number                     | 0     | 
Y       | NULL
id_operatore_modifica       | number                     | 0     | 
Y       | NULL
id_unita_aziendale          | number                     | 0     | 
Y       | NULL
limite_conservazione        | date                       | 0     | 
Y       | NULL
nomefile                    | nvarchar2                  | 500   | 
N       | NULL
nome_tabella_proven         | nvarchar2                  | 100   | 
Y       | NULL
nome_visualizzato           | nvarchar2                  | 200   | 
Y       | NULL
protocollo                  | nvarchar2                  | 100   | 
Y       | NULL
tipo_documento              | nvarchar2                  | 1     | 
N       | NULL
tipo_file                   | nvarchar2                  | 30    | 
Y       | NULL
ts_annullamento             | timestamp(6) with time zone| 0     | 
Y       | NULL
ts_ultima_modifica          | timestamp(6) with time zone| 0     | 

(19 rows)

thanks for any help


Received on Mon Mar 18 2013 - 14:28:37 CET

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