oracle recovery scenarios

From: Dba DBA <>
Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2009 15:27:04 -0500
Message-ID: <>

I don't do alot of recoveries, so when I need to do something, I always end up googling it. So I want to write myself some notes for some of the basic scenarios. Here is my list so far. I keep notes of activities I don't use very often. So I don't have to look them up again.

all of these assume I can use RMAN

  1. full recovery(with and without archivelog mode)
  2. point in time recovery
  3. flashback database
  4. lost a redo log(both online and offline, with multiple redo log groups or without)
  5. lost a datafile
  6. restore control file
  7. restore spfile
  8. someone drops a table, so flash back table --
Received on Sat Feb 07 2009 - 14:27:04 CST

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