Re: RMAN Restore with Incremental

From: Charlotte Hammond <>
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 06:33:05 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

Hi Tom,

This was a "restore validate database" rather than a "real" restore. So the database was intact and operational.

I'm curious now as to what a restore validate actually does - obviously it needs to assume that some sort of restore action is needed otherwise it would never do anything except report the database already being intact and consistent. Does it assume a loss of all the files? I can't see where this is explained in the manual but I may have just missed it.


  • Original Message ---- From: "Mercadante, Thomas F (LABOR)" <> To: Charlotte Hammond <> Cc: Sent: Wednesday, April 2, 2008 5:29:20 PM Subject: RE: RMAN Restore with Incremental


In your specific case, the incremental gets used with the database files that are on disk. You did not say what happened to your database that made you decide to perform a restore. But Rman decided that it had enough information with the files on disk and with just the incremental backup to perform a recovery.

Again, Rman decided that it did not need to go farther back to the full backup to perform your restore - it just did not need that information.

What made you decide to perform a restore? What specifically happened?


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-- Received on Thu Apr 03 2008 - 08:33:05 CDT

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