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Re: Windows NT

From: David Godfrey <David_Godfrey_at_CONAK1CC_at_SMTP.CONTINUUM.CO.NZ>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 1996 08:59:08 NZT
Message-Id: <>

     Hiya Dave,

     I've just installed Oracle 7.1.3 on NT 3.51.
     Using the typical install it was fine, creating a default DB etc.

     I did come across a problem with setting up SQL*Net v2 on NT 3.51,
     with SQL*Net, over SPX and netware 3.0. The listener wouldn't
     work - it turned out to be an Oracle bug.

     There are some white papers on NT/ORacle set ups - you're best off
     going to the OracleWeb site, and searching for those key words - I
     find that gets some good hits.

     Hope this helps

     David Godfrey

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Subject: Windows NT
Author: "ORACLE database mailing list." <ORACLE-L_at_CCVM.SUNYSB.EDU> at INTERNET Date: 07/03/1996 8:36 AM


My company recently purchased Oracle7.1 Workgroup Server for Windows NT and things are not going too smoothly. Hence, I am turning to this mailing list hoping to find some answers. I subscribe to other lists and have found them extremely helpful and I'm sure this one will prove the same. And by the way, I just subscribed today so I apologize if my questions are re-treads.

First of all, we found the installation of 7.1 on NT extremely difficult and we were performing the basic, "typical install". After several calls and mail messages to Oracle, we finally got it installed. Some Oracle folks seemed to think it was our NT environment, however I thinks it was problems in the Oracle installation. Any comments?

Also, we find it troublesome that "Oracle highly recommends that you use the initial database and expand it, if necessary, rather than creating a database yourself." page 3-6 of Version 7.1 for Windows NT User's Guide. That would be fine if we only wanted to maintain one database, but we will be maintaining several. Because of this, we've been trying to create our own database and this has not gone too well. Could someone please comment on Instances, databases and the control files associated?

A couple more things...

        Are there any recommended books, publications, etc. specific to
        the NT environment?

        Has anyone installed version 7.2 on NT?  If so, is it any easier
        than 7.1?

Thank you in advance for any comments and suggestions. -Dave Kass (BSR) Received on Wed Mar 06 1996 - 15:27:24 CST

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