Re: index
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 11:30:02 -0400
Message-ID: <_N%jk.34323$>
"David BL" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > It may be useful to look at an analogy in C++. Consider a bijection
> > > between two integer attributes named x and y coded as follows:
> >
> > > class Bijection
> > > {
> > > public:
> > > void insert(int x,int y) {xtoy[x]=y; ytox[y]=x;}
> > > int getx(int y) {return ytox[y];}
> > > int gety(int x) {return xtoy[x];}
> > > private:
> > > map<int,int> xtoy;
> > > map<int,int> ytox;
> > > };
> >
> > > As a systems programmer I have used this technique in various forms on
> > > a number of occasions. I see a class instance as analogous to a
> > > single “table”, and the two maps as “clustered indexes”. Each is
> > > redundant with respect to the other. Both are needed for performance.
> >
> > I think I see what you're driving at, even though your example is
> > broken:
> >
> > Bijection b; int i, j, k, l;
> > b.insert(4, 3); b.insert(4, 5); b.insert(4, 7);
> > i = b.getx(3); // returns 4
> > j = b.getx(5); // returns 4
> > k = b.getx(7); // returns 4
> > l = b.gety(4); // returns 7
> > Yes of course I didn't bother worrying about repeats. However whether > one needs to test for that explicitly depends on the application. For > example in the past I have needed a transient bijection between GUID > and memory pointer and I could *assume* uniqueness of both in the > design. >
> > Your example is illuminating--aside from the fact that it doesn't
> > operate as
> > its name suggests. I don't think it's thread safe: x ==
> > b.getx[b.gety[x]]
> > could sometimes return false. That highlights one of the pitfalls of
> > duplicating content.
> > Most classes in most OO programs are not threadsafe because they do > not need to be threadsafe. Imagine the performance hit if every > variable of every data type was protected with a mutex! > > Don't scoff at that Bijection class. It is like a Lamborghini when > used in an appropriate context. Why use a general purpose off road > vehicle when you know you're only driving on the highway? >
I wouldn't dream of it.
> > But the bottom line is that what is a clustered index in the
> > implementation
> > implied by the original poster's question differs from what you consider
> > to
> > be a clustered index.
> > Perhaps. >Received on Wed Jul 30 2008 - 17:30:02 CEST