Re: POOD and the Unique Name Assumption
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 16:33:06 -0300
Message-ID: <4850285e$0$4058$>
Marshall wrote:
> On Jun 10, 5:05 pm, "Brian Selzer" <> wrote:
>>"Marshall" <> wrote in message
>>>On Jun 9, 6:02 am, "Brian Selzer" <> wrote:
>>>>Does the Unique Name Assumption apply only to individuals, or does it
>>>>also to relations? Under an interpretation where constant symbols are
>>>>mapped to individuals and predicate symbols are mapped to relations, if a
>>>>and b are constant symbols and P and Q predicate symbols and if neither
>>>>nor aQb fail to denote, can aPb ever mean exactly the same thing as aQb?
>>>>And if the Unique Name Assumption does apply also to relations, then what
>>>>impact does that have on POOD?
>>>I guess I don't really know what this "Unique Name Assumption" is.
>>The Unique Name Assumption ensures that whenever two names are different,
>>the objects they represent must also be different.
> What is motivation for such an assumption? It doesn't seem to hold in
> any formal system I can think of.
>>>But ordinarily, the mapping from names to things being named >>>is a function, but not necessarily the reverse. >> >>>As to whether aPb can ever mean the same thing as aQb: >> >>> 2+0 = 2-0 >> >>The /result/ of 2+0 is the same as the /result/ of 2-0, but is the meaning >>of an expression the same as the result of the expression? It seems to me >>that how one arrives at a result can be just as important as the result. >>For example, if a man turns left onto the sidewalk in front of his house and >>then proceeds around the block, he will end up at the exact same place as if >>he had turned right onto the sidewalk and then proceeded around the block.
> Sure.
> "2+0" != "2-0"
> However
> 2+0 = 2-0
> It seems straightforward enough. "2+0" and "2-0" are two
> different names, expressions specifically, for the same thing.
The unique name assumption sounds like asking for aliasing errors. Received on Wed Jun 11 2008 - 21:33:06 CEST