Re: pro- foreign key propaganda?
Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 13:42:25 GMT
Message-ID: <5RzZj.289321$pM4.276671_at_pd7urf1no>
David Cressey wrote:
> This may be true. But with regard to the value of data in databases, and
> the return on the effort involved in building, maintaining, and accessing
> them, you can't separate meaning from purpose. And you can't separate
> purpose from outcome. Call me a mystic, if you must.
> If poetry includes Homer's Iliad, there is quite a bit of mechanics
> involved in the making of it.
I don't argue with that and from what you've said I wouldn't call you a
mystic. I was scoffing at the penchant for looking for meaning in a
data design where none was intended. If one doesn't know the intended
interpretation, it is a mug's game to guess at it, the design is only
capable of restricting some of the possible intentions.
(I'd say the mechanics of poetry aren't part of what you call the rdm.)