Re: Mixing OO and DB
Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 11:07:59 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On May 14, 8:51 pm, Bob Badour <> wrote:
> Bob Badour wrote:
> > topmind wrote:
> >> Robert Martin wrote:
> >>> On 2008-03-09 01:02:47 -0600, Marshall <> said:
> >>>> On Mar 8, 6:07 pm, Robert Martin <> wrote:
> >>>>> On 2008-03-06 15:37:56 -0600, topmind <> said:
> >>>>>>> Each small group of classes becomes a little roll-your-own data
> >>>>>>> access
> >>>>>>> and manipulation scheme that is perfectly tuned for it's very
> >>>>>>> specific
> >>>>>>> purpose.
> >>>>>> Which is over-kill for the task-level.
> >>>>> Do you have proof that it's overkill? Do you have any objective
> >>>>> measurements that it's overkill? Or it is just your own opinion. I
> >>>>> mean, if it works for you that's great, but don't force your own
> >>>>> opinions on everyone else <grin>
> >>>> This is a fallacious argument. You're proposing extra effort without
> >>>> justification. The idea that, in the absence of evidence either way,
> >>>> topmind's proposal of not putting in that effort is on equal footing
> >>>> with yours doesn't hold. Extra effort requires justification. What
> >>>> you are saying is, "hey, we don't know if this work has any value
> >>>> or not, so doing it is just as justified as not doing it."
> >>> Go back to the root of the argument. You'll see that the initial
> >>> premise is that the programmer organizes the data into a form that is
> >>> more convenient for him to get his computational job done. So there
> >>> *is* justification.
> >> Depending on how "convenient" is measured.
> >> Note that the effort to wrap SQL in methods is only one of the issues
> >> against it.
> >>>>> It is very common for programmers to manipulate data into forms that
> >>>>> are particularly convenient for the application they are writing.
> >>>>> Databases are seldom in that form since (for one thing) they must
> >>>>> usually serve many different and competing applications.
> >>>> (I'm going to just label the above as bogus without justification.
> >>>> It's late and I'm lazy.)
> >>> That's fine. Consider, for example, an algorithm that finds the
> >>> minimum spanning distance of a graph. (e.g. cheapest network route, or
> >>> cheapest travel itinerary, etc). The node and edges of the graph are
> >>> stored in database tables.
> >>> Shall we execute that algorithm by doing thousands of tiny queries as
> >>> we walk from node to node through the edges? Or shall we query all the
> >>> nodes and edges in one gulp, arrange them into a graph of objects, and
> >>> walk through them that way?
> > It's interesting that the self-aggrandizing ignorant should mention
> > minimum spanning trees. Creating a generic procedure for calculating
> > minimum spanning trees in SqlServer is on my to-do list as I write.
> > If one studies the algorithms for minimum spanning trees, one quickly
> > sees the task involves no traversals whatsoever. In fact, one generally
> > creates the MST as a precursor to some sort of traversal, and the
> > algorithms themselves are specified in terms of sets, which makes them
> > ideal for implementing relationally.
> > At the moment, I lean toward Kruskal's algorithm. Mostly, I just don't
> > understand Chazelle's algorithm well enough, and I don't have the
> > patience to hunt down the remaining details. Plus, it is difficult to
> > tease out how Chazelle's approximations might interact with dynamic cost
> > functions.
> > The algorithm relies on a disjoint-set structure, which is just a tuple
> > really. One would start by initializing a set of these structures with
> > an element for each vertex. Hmmmm... a set of tuples... hmmmm... I
> > wonder what sort of variable I could use to hold a set of tuples... I
> > think I will use a relvar.
> > For a general solution we need to associate a cost with each edge.
> > Hmmmm... an edge and a cost... hmmmm... I think I will use a tuple for
> > each of those and a relvar for the entire set once again.
> > For the result, we need a set of edges. I think I will use a relvar for
> > that too.
> > Once we initialize these relvars, the algorithm is quite simple:
> > While our edge-cost relation has at least one tuple:
> > Choose one of the edges with the minimum cost.
> > Perform a disjoint-set union on the two vertexes joined by the edge.
> > Insert the edge to the MST result relvar.
> > Delete all edges from the edge-cost relvar
> > where the disjoint-set find places them in the same set.
> > Done.
> > The general solution on my to-do list is a little more complicated
> > because the cost function can be dynamic. There has to be another step
> > in the loop to re-evaluate the costs for any edges where the cost might
> > change.
> > [topmind's somewhat less informed response snipped]
> The Delaunay Triangulation code was more complex (proper domain support,
> which SqlServer lacks, would have helped), but the Voronoi Tessellation
> code could be as easy as a view. Lloyd's algorithm for k-means
> clustering was rather straightforward in t-sql once I had the delaunay
> and voronoi code in place.
> My to-do list is now void of computational geometry stuff for the time
> being. Sigh.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Quick question - which version and edition of SQL Server are you working with? Although not proper domain support as you note, the ability to create user-defined functions using the integrated CLR of SS2K5 may get you "close enough" to make for some fairly clean T-SQL expressions. Is this the route you went?
I'm wikipeducating myself on the Dalaunay triangulation and related topics right now. This is pretty fascinating stuff, and interestingly, ties directly to some topics in a linear algebra class I'm currently taking.
TroyK Received on Thu May 15 2008 - 20:07:59 CEST