Re: Mixing OO and DB
From: Bob Badour <>
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 18:56:23 -0400
Message-ID: <47c73c18$0$4038$>
>>frebe <> writes:
>>>>We still have it, and we still use it. But we also hide it from
>>>>the bulk of the application.
>>>What is the benefit with hiding SQL from the bulk of the
>> For one thing, it decouples the application code and the database
>>schema. For another, as noted by Mr. Martin, it allows the creation
>>of a domain specific language that better reflects the concepts in the
>>problem and solution domains.
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 18:56:23 -0400
Message-ID: <47c73c18$0$4038$>
Tegiri Nenashi wrote:
> On Feb 28, 1:29 pm, Patrick May <> wrote: >
>>frebe <> writes:
>>>>We still have it, and we still use it. But we also hide it from
>>>>the bulk of the application.
>>>What is the benefit with hiding SQL from the bulk of the
>> For one thing, it decouples the application code and the database
>>schema. For another, as noted by Mr. Martin, it allows the creation
>>of a domain specific language that better reflects the concepts in the
>>problem and solution domains.
That's like wrapping all of one's C++ calls in assembler modules to decouple the object stuff from the application code.
> Sure Mr. Martin is working on a "domain specific language" that would > put SQL to shame?
Have no doubt about his certainty: There's no stopping the invincibly ignorant. - DT Received on Thu Feb 28 2008 - 23:56:23 CET