AW: Copy schema without data

From: <nospam_at_invalid>
Date: sat, 22 nov 2008 21:16:36 +0100
Message-ID: <o9We369Tqclw42Yinospam_at_invalid>

"" <Raoul Minder:
> Hi all
> Probably an easy question for an oracle dba or even power user:
> I would like to copy the data warehouse schema on my laptop for
testing and
> developing our application.
> - Unfortunately I have a 80GB HD and the DWH contains a few 'tera'.
> - Fortunately, I don't need the data (ok perhaps a few master data). I
> only the schema to avoid 'table not found' errors and so on.
> How can I copy all the tables (mat. views to be correct) without the
> from our dwh? But please don't tell me to dump the whole thing and
> the data. DWH and networking team would kill me.
> Good news: no indices, no constraints, just 1 to 1 raw data dumped out
> our business solution environment. But I only have access to mat.
views and
> not to the tables directly.
> I tried a create table from select... that did the job more or less
but I
> guess I can't trust it (do mat views identify their underlaying schema

> correctly?)
> Forgive a spoiled ms developer and thank you in advance
> Raoul

hi raoul
sorry for my smal english
you can use under linux or unxi the comandline with EXP or in oracle 10.x. in commandline the expdp
in all using help can you see with exp help=y oder expdp help=y

if you ar user with privileg FULL_EXPORT_DATABASE or so ... the tje user can make an export follow
exp userid=name/pasword FILE=filname-of-the-exportfile.dmp LOG=name-of-the-logfile.log USER=name-from-the-user who sould export FULL=n

please look at teh command detailed. i havent an manuell in front of me.

ist used the filedirektory where you actuell are standing. thast all
have a good time Received on Sat Nov 22 2008 - 21:16:36 CET

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