Re: SQL-plus

From: Tim <>
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 2009 16:33:22 -0500
Message-ID: <8c95$49ac50a2$cef8ac46$17295_at_TEKSAVVY.COM>

Michael Austin wrote:
> Tim wrote:
> <snipped>

>> OK, here is another question. What is the difference, from a 
>> developer's point of view, between Oracle 8i, Oracle 9i and Oracle 10g?

> 8i REALLY not supported
> 9i Recently Not supported (6 mths ago)
> 10g ALMOST not supported (~18-20 months from now - give or take a few...)
> 11g Current.
>> If I am just writing SQL statements does it really matter what version 
>> I use? Is there any added functionality that would change the actual 
>> SQL statements?

> You would write SQL based on how interesting the Optimizer will make
> your life trying to figure out why it doesn't work as expected. [JDBC
> and ODBC support] changed during those timeframes, [TAF and FCF] in a
> RAC environment. etc. SQL itself may not be the issue in the RAC
> environment it is how you handle errors in your code - like a database
> instance on node1 going down but nodes 2-4 are still up... how do you
> handle the error and reconnect. Lot's of fun.
> As an Oracle developer you have LOTS to learn ;)

I use JDBC. Does it matter then? Received on Mon Mar 02 2009 - 22:33:22 CET

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