Re: source control for oracle forms and reports
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 10:19:56 +0200
Message-ID: <46a84$482d43ad$524b5c40$>
rgvguplb wrote:
> hi
> is there a good source control product for a small oracle shop? we use
> oracle developer 10g (forms and reports), and we have some stored
> procedures and packages as well. the only source control i have right
> now is basically dumping the form or report into a subdirectory named
> after the date (for instance, 2008_05_14) before modifying it.
> do most people use a source control product or are you all just being
> very very careful?
> thanks
Numerous GPL and open source programs out there. Some even handle binaries. All of them handle text, so convert your forms to text (.fmt) and take it from there. Yes - cheap comes at a price; *you* have to do the work.
FvB Received on Fri May 16 2008 - 10:19:56 CEST