Re: Integrating modplsql with Apache, possible ?
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 20:43:49 +0200
Message-ID: <ffqo53$a20$>
Laura wrote:
> Hi all !
> we have an application which uses Oracle HTTP Server with modplsql to
> produce HTML content.
> Now we must install this software on another location where there's
> already an Apache Web Server installed, so we should use this web
> server instead of installing Oracle HTTP Server from scratch.
> Somebody managed to deploy modplsql on Apache Server ?
> I have tried to replicate all configuration + libraries from my Oracle
> HTTP Server into an Apache Server but it doesn't work...simply Apache
> doesn't start...........
> any help ?
> Thanks
> Laura
Can't be done - there's an incompatibility issue between the Apache and modplsql compilers. BTDT.
You cold, of course, use the mod/plsql replacement module, source code, and compile that for your platform.
-- Regards, Frank van Bortel Top-posting is one way to shut me up...Received on Thu Oct 25 2007 - 20:43:49 CEST