Re: Do you use ASSM (Automatic Segment Space Management)?
Date: Sat, 8 Aug 2009 07:40:19 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On Aug 8, 9:57 am, dbaboy <> wrote:
> > I tried your test case. My system is an Enterprise Edition
> > 64 bit system on OEL 5.2 64 bit. It has 32 gig of RAM and a very nice
> > IO subsystem. Using ASM for storage.
> > My times to complete steps 4 and 6 ( yes from different sessions )
> > were the same basically ... not different times as you reported.
> There is a difference between ASM (automatic storage mgmt) and ASSM
> (automatica segment space mgmt). Are you also on ASSM ?
If you look at the test script that was supplied it included a create tablespace statement. That was the ASSM part ... already included baked in as part of the test script.
I added the details about the system I ran the test script(s) for completeness. It uses ASM and EMC based storage. Received on Sat Aug 08 2009 - 09:40:19 CDT