Q: Using less space for XE install?
Date: 16 Jun 2009 12:27:27 -0700
Message-ID: <4a37f21f_at_news.victoria.tc.ca>
I am installing XE. It says it needs 1.5 gigs of space. I know from running the install some time ago on another computer that almost all that space is actually the data files, not the application itself, and I can't imagine requring even a tenth of that space for my data so I would like to setup much smaller data files.
I wonder if anyone has suggestions for either of the following.
-1- Is there any way to tell the XE install to setup smaller data files?
That would be ideal.
I can probably get 1.5 gigs temporarily if necessary, so I could install and then resize the data files after the install, but I don't know how to do that.
-2- Where is documentation to say how to decrease the data file sizes
after the XE install?
Thanks, Malcolm Dew-Jones Received on Tue Jun 16 2009 - 14:27:27 CDT