Re: Oracle Socket ShutDown
Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2008 17:33:50 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On Aug 8, 3:17 am, airborne <> wrote:
> How can I shutdown a socket for writing like the WIN API function
> shutdown(sock, SHUT_WR). I don`t want to close the connection because
> I want to read the result after shutting down the socket for writing.
> I want to use it on different OS. I have installation of Oracle 10.2g.
> Thank you in advance.
WIN API? You can use java inside oracle if you want. You should be able to control sockets from java pretty easily.
It's not hard to interface c and/or c++ code to oracle either but has a learning curve.
Give us a little more feel for the kind of application you are trying to develop and where closing and opening socket connections is related to database functionality if you can. Received on Fri Aug 08 2008 - 19:33:50 CDT