Re: SQL Plus error - String beginning '...' too long. Maximum size is 79 characters
Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 06:14:03 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On May 22, 6:07 am, gazzag <> wrote:
> On 22 May, 10:33, Morris <> wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > I had trouble finding a correct oracle group so please let me know if
> > this is not where I should post my problem? But hopefully you might be
> > able to help me anyway...
> > We're using SQLPLUS at work, mine is: (sqlplusw.exe)
> > version: SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu May 22
> > 10:21:41 2008
> > my friend's is:
> > version: SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu May 22
> > 10:25:01 2008
> > Now, if we paste the same path trying to run the same script, for
> > example:
> > @\\SomeServer\DataServices\Data\Data\Data\Data\Datadata\Data\Database
> > \SomeFolder\file.sql
> > He gets the error as per title - saying his maximum size is 79 chars,
> > and I have no problems when running the script?
> > Is there any settings we could change (I went through Options -->
> > Environment but nothing helpful there) or would upgrading his client
> > be enough? Would it be enough if he just replaces his binary
> > (sqlplusw.exe) with mine? Or does he need to download a completely new
> > package?
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Morris
> Well, for one thing, your friend is on a desupported version of Oracle
> that's not even patched to the required level (
> I don't run scripts via SQL*Plus for Windows (sqlplusw.exe), I use the
> DOS based version (sqlplus.exe) from a command prompt. If I were you,
> I'd open a command prompt and CD to the relevant directory (\
> \SomeServer\DataServices\Data\Data\Data\Data\Datadata\Data\Database
> \SomeFolder) and start SQL*Plus from there. Next simply run your
> script as follows:
> SQL> @file.sql
> -g- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Since the client is a free download you might just consider upgrading the client.
Another option to try is to set the SQLPATH variable in the OS. This variable is used to tell SQLPlus where to look for scripts. The SQLPATH environment variable works on both UNIX and Windows.
HTH -- Mark D Powell -- Received on Thu May 22 2008 - 08:14:03 CDT