Re: SQL Plus error - String beginning '...' too long. Maximum size is 79 characters
Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 03:07:39 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On 22 May, 10:33, Morris <> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I had trouble finding a correct oracle group so please let me know if
> this is not where I should post my problem? But hopefully you might be
> able to help me anyway...
> We're using SQLPLUS at work, mine is: (sqlplusw.exe)
> version: SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu May 22
> 10:21:41 2008
> my friend's is:
> version: SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu May 22
> 10:25:01 2008
> Now, if we paste the same path trying to run the same script, for
> example:
> @\\SomeServer\DataServices\Data\Data\Data\Data\Datadata\Data\Database
> \SomeFolder\file.sql
> He gets the error as per title - saying his maximum size is 79 chars,
> and I have no problems when running the script?
> Is there any settings we could change (I went through Options -->
> Environment but nothing helpful there) or would upgrading his client
> be enough? Would it be enough if he just replaces his binary
> (sqlplusw.exe) with mine? Or does he need to download a completely new
> package?
> Thanks in advance,
> Morris
Well, for one thing, your friend is on a desupported version of Oracle that's not even patched to the required level (
I don't run scripts via SQL*Plus for Windows (sqlplusw.exe), I use the DOS based version (sqlplus.exe) from a command prompt. If I were you, I'd open a command prompt and CD to the relevant directory (\ \SomeServer\DataServices\Data\Data\Data\Data\Datadata\Data\Database \SomeFolder) and start SQL*Plus from there. Next simply run your script as follows:
SQL> @file.sql
HTH -g Received on Thu May 22 2008 - 05:07:39 CDT