Shakespeare wrote:
> "Frank van Bortel" <> schreef in bericht
> news:fgnov0$emu$
>> Jake wrote:
>>> I know this isn't going to be popular, but here goes.
>>> Looking at the HTP package, if I had to make a lot of web pages using
>>> that, it looks like it would be, well, painful, compared to other
>>> languages like PHP, Ruby, ASP, JSP for instance.
>>> Is this commonly used to create web pages using PL/SQL, or is there
>>> another preferred method?
>>> Does PL/SQL have any templating mechanism where you can create a text
>>> html template and just "fill in the blanks" procedurally?
>>> thanks.
>> What could be "painful"?
>> Just run the page through a html to plsql converter, load it,
>> and done - if you deliver the page, I'll stream it from the database
>> 10 seconds later.
>> And - if you plan on doing things from with the database, some
>> form of wrapping might be handy. Application Express and Portal
>> are two examples of Oracle products doing just that.
>> If you want a bit more control, take a look at
>> or this:
>> Comes with a wrapper, too
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Frank van Bortel
>> Top-posting is one way to shut me up...
> I think psp is in fact little more than a plsql converter... with the option
> to put pl/sql or sql in tags. The actual converter is loadpsp.exe.
> Shakepseare
Correct - I was referring to the "mod pl/sql packages" - not psp.
The executable is called html2plsql, and can be found here:
there's a java counterpart as well.
I can still recommend the book, Sten wrote.
Frank van Bortel
Top-posting is one way to shut me up...
Received on Tue Nov 06 2007 - 14:02:16 CST