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Re: severely disappointed in Oracle Support

From: Michael Austin <notknown_at_thistime.inf>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 21:25:28 -0500
Message-ID: <SL%Hi.4860$>

hpuxrac wrote:

> On Sep 18, 3:37 pm, Ben <> wrote:

>> I think I made a post a while back after we upgraded to We
>> had horrible performance issues. Sql plans were the same and had the
>> same amount of I/O going on, the server just couldn't handle it. Long
>> story short the only solution we found after 5 weeks of going back and
>> forth with Oracle support was to double the cpu's in our AIX5L quad
>> processor machine to an 8 way. This got things back to normal.
>> Now a couple of weeks later I open up another SR trying to get help in
>> finding out why all the sudden we have quite a few ora-3136 errors.
>> Never had them before the upgrade now within two days we had about 20
>> of them. That was about two months ago now and the errors were limited
>> to those two days.
>> So I found that there were some default settings in the listener.ora
>> file that had changed to time out connections if they didn't log in
>> within 60 secs. Support tells me to set tracing on those clients that
>> were receiving the errors. That's fine, now if I only could tell what
>> clients it was.
>> I ask them how to determine the client and they ask for the alert log
>> and the listener log from that day. They come back with two IP
>> addresses, which were two of our main application servers. I ask them
>> how they came up with those IP addresses and he tells me that they
>> were the only two IP addresses in the listener log. I have an
>> external table of my listener log and a parsing function that I
>> created from something I read on dbazine, so I decided to check that
>> because that didn't sound correct. There were 137 distinct IP
>> addresses in the log. Now I'm waiting to hear back on why he thinks
>> there are only two.
>> Seems like it's getting harder and harder to get anyone in metalink
>> that can actually help.
> Unfortunately I don't think you will get many people who don't agree
> with you.

recently had an outage that lasted 2 days - and we literally went around the world - twice before getting someone competent enough to handle it... it was usually - "I just got this call and I go off-shift in 30 minutes passing it off to - <next country here>". Received on Tue Sep 18 2007 - 21:25:28 CDT

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