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AUSOUG/OAUG 2006 Conference Series Call for Papers

From: AUSOUG <>
Date: 21 Jun 2006 03:23:28 -0700
Message-ID: <>

The Australian Oracle User Group (AUSOUG) and the Oracle Applications User Group (OAUG) invites all Users and Suppliers of Oracle related products and services to submit papers for presentation at AUSOUG/ OAUG's National Conference Series for 2006.

We are continuing our acclaimed National Conference Series known as "Oracle with 20:20 Foresight" with a Theme of "Fusing IT with Business Strategies". The dates and venues are Melbourne 2 - 3/11/06 at the Melbourne Convention Centre and Perth 8 - 9/11/06 at the Hyatt. The number of attendees is anticipated to be in excess of 1,000 Oracle Users and the capability of reaching an audience of in excess of 4,000 Oracle users.

The AUSOUG & OAUG Events committee are now calling for outlines from interested users, business and IT professionals to present relevant papers, training and demonstrations along the lines of our conference theme. Presentations should provide topical, engaging information relevant to the Oracle influenced professional Business and IT community. If you are interested in presenting at one or more of the conferences, please select the "Call for Presentations and Training" link at, submit as much detail as required to describe your paper, and we will work with you to bring this presentation to market. Submitted papers will be judged on the basis of significance, relevance, correctness, originality, and clarity.

Please feel free to submit papers on any Oracle interest areas. Topics we are particularly interested in hearing from this year:

This year we bring an exciting new approach to presentations. In addition to standard presentations, we are looking for presenters who can deliver a 'preach and teach' session to our delegates. There will be two classrooms set up with PCs in Melbourne and Perth and the format of the session will be 1.5hrs in duration with a mix of teaching and hands-on learning, with the emphasis on hands-on. The goal is for delegates to exit from the session with a completed project on a memory stick or CD.

The deadline for the call for papers is Monday 14th August. Papers submitted before this date will receive favourable attention from the committee. Any papers submitted after this date may not be included in the conference series. Accept or decline notification will be sent on Friday 1st September.

If you have any questions regards the 2006 Conference Series, AUSOUG committee members are happy to assist. Please send queries to or alternatively contact Chris Muir at the contact points below.

Thanks for your time and we hope to see you in November!

Chris Muir
President of the Victorian Branch
Australian Oracle User Group (AUSOUG)

Email: president.vic AT (replace AT with @) Received on Wed Jun 21 2006 - 05:23:28 CDT

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