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Re: oracle on sun solaris

From: DA Morgan <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 08:51:59 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Bob Jones wrote:

> "hpuxrac" <> wrote in message 
>> DA Morgan wrote:

>>> hopehope_123 wrote:
>>>> Hi ,
>>>> We are about to move our current datawarehouse system from redhat
>>>> linux to a sun solaris box. ( 6 dual core cpus, 2 hba , emc disk
>>>> array , raid 10 , 24GB. RAM)
>>>> The db size is about 2tb.
>>>> Since this is a datawarehouse system , random sequential io is my main
>>>> concern , we also use parallel query heavily.
>>>> I have some questions on my mind:
>>>> 1. What file system to choose? UFS , Veritas or raw device?
>>>> 2. If i choose ufs or veritas , should i use direct_io or not? Since
>>>> parallel query bypasses the sga , and directIO bypasses the page
>>>> cache , using buffered io is better .
>>>> 3. How can i coose the strip size of the raid?
>>>> 4. In order to maximize the sequential io performance , i am thinking
>>>> of setting db_file_multiblock_read_count to 1MB. ( Which provides 1MB.
>>>> read on each disk read) , along with the unix kernel parameters
>>>> maxcontig (for ufs) etc. How can i balance this number with the strip
>>>> size? Is 1MB. maximum?
>>>> I will be appreciated if you can comment , advise.
>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>> hope
>>> I'd recommend RAW managed with ASM.
>>> But I'd also temper that recommendation, or any recommendation, by
>>> recommending that you build a test lab and run a test series before
>>> making the decision.
>>> Would recommend you avoid third-party products that will inevitably
>>> lead to higher costs, training issues, and vendor finger-pointing
>>> exercises.
>> That sounds like a recommendation from someone will little practical
>> experience with veritas on solaris?  That set of products is not
>> exactly uncommon in the oracle world.
>> We realize the current mantra from oracle is ASM ... nice job repeating
>> it.
> The bigger picture is "Do everything in Oracle". Pretty soon Oracle will 
> have its own OS, that will make them potentially the next MS. 

When Oracle starts using license keys on its software I'll start worrying about it.

Daniel A. Morgan
University of Washington
(replace x with u to respond)
Puget Sound Oracle Users Group
Received on Fri Jun 16 2006 - 10:51:59 CDT

Original text of this message