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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Logon Trigger for SQL TRACING using (Third party tool)
Thanks Pete,
As you thought, I want to trace the use of a third party
The users of this tool logon the same single database with different
service names.
I have visited your papers about SQL TRACING.
It contains lots of information about SQL TRACE.
But at that stage I am little bit confused.
If possible, Could you give some sample with respect to my query (SQL
tracing for third party tool via logon trigger),in order to the trace
that specific
session which is rinnung this third party tool.
Pete Finnigan <> wrote in message news:<>...
> Hi Bill,
> let me get this straight. you want to trace the use of a third party
> tool in your organisation? - do the users of this tool logon with
> different database ID's - can you identify each session? - i guess
> probably. If all users used the same database id then you could check
> for IP address of the client or if possible use dbms_application_info to
> set the client_info field visible in v$session. So you could use your
> logon trigger and in that trigger select sid,serial#,username, os PID,
> IP address if needed. You could have a table with every users name in it
> and their IP or whatever and a flag to say whether you want to trace
> them or not. Then you just update that flag as needed. You can then
> check the flag for the current user and set trace with alter session set
> events....
> To read the trace take a look at my paper
> mblings/how_to_set_trace.htm - it describes how to find the directory
> your trace files will be in. In your trigger you could save the ospid to
> a logging table along with the date/time, username sid serial# etc and
> then use this information to find the correct trace file.
> hth
> kind regards
> Pete
Received on Thu Mar 11 2004 - 23:27:38 CST
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