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Re: Inserting rows into master table from multiple threads

From: shakespeare <>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 09:13:48 +0100
Message-ID: <476a244b$0$85792$>

<> schreef in bericht

> On Dec 19, 9:30 pm, DA Morgan <> wrote:

>> wrote:
>> > On Dec 19, 8:45 am, DA Morgan <> wrote:
>> >> wrote:
>> >>> Hi,
>> >>> We have a master table, say with two columns name (varchar) and id
>> >>> (number) and a stored procedure insert_name_details(name, other
>> >>> details).
>> >>> SP will first check if name is present in master table or not. If
>> >>> present, it will get the id otherwise it will insert a row in master
>> >>> table with a new sequence number and use that id in other tables as
>> >>> foreign key. So its basically an atomic "get or create-if-not found"
>> >>> operation.
>> >>> There are two ways of handling concurrency here.
>> >>> Option 1
>> >>> -------------
>> >>> select id from master_table;
>> >>> if (not_found)
>> >>> {
>> >>> lock master_table;
>> >>> (again) select id from master_table;
>> >>> if (still_not_found)
>> >>> {
>> >>> insert record in master table;
>> >>> }
>> >>> }
>> >>> Option 2
>> >>> ------------
>> >>> select id from master_table;
>> >>> if (not_found)
>> >>> {
>> >>> try
>> >>> {
>> >>> insert record in master table;
>> >>> }
>> >>> catch (PrimaryKeyVIolationException)
>> >>> {
>> >>> select id from master_table;
>> >>> }
>> >>> }
>> >>> Both these options are for stored procedure implementation although
>> >>> code is written is Java style.
>> >>> Which method is preferred? Locking table or catching exceptions? I
>> >>> know that using exceptions should not be used to drive logical flow,
>> >>> but it makes life simpler for a programmer vs. locking table. Also
>> >>> locking tables means holding resources from other threads, but table
>> >>> will be locked for a brief amount of time i.e. till master row is
>> >>> inserted.
>> >>> Any comments, suggestions or alternatives?
>> >>> Thanks,
>> >>> Sameer
>> >> Neither of these is a good idea.

>> >> First of all this is Oracle not SQL Server so the data type is not
>> >> VARCHAR. A strong clue that you are not dealing with Oracle as someone
>> >> who understands the way it works.

>> >> Second what is the form of your primary key? If it is a surrogate key
>> >> it should be generated by a sequence object making a collision
>> >> impossible.

>> >> Third, assuming a natural key and a possible collision which is more
>> >> likely? A duplicate or a non-duplicate? Assuming some competence in
>> >> system design a duplicate is highly unlikely so you should just to the
>> >> insert and trap the rare exception.

>> >> Again, as at OTN where you posted the exact same question, it appears
>> >> you think Oracle is SQL Server ... it is not.
>> >> --
>> >> Daniel A. Morgan
>> >> Oracle Ace Director & Instructor
>> >> University of Washington
>> >> (replace x with u to respond)
>> >> Puget Sound Oracle Users

>> > Daniel,

>> > This code is for Oracle 10g database. I meant varchar2, but wrote
>> > varchar just to keep it generic, pseudo-code like, to indicate a
>> > character columns. Anyway, that was just an example and not real
>> > columns anyway.

>> > I have seen "select ... for update" construct when you want to
>> > atomically get and update a row, but was not sure what is the
>> > recommended approach for inserting a new master row in a multi-
>> > threaded environment.

>> > The key will be generated by a sequence object.

>> > Thanks,
>> > Sameer

>> SELECT FOR UPDATE makes perfect sense if you are going to update but
>> that appears to not be what you are doing. If you are inserting then
>> just perform the insert like this:

>> (....,....)
>> (...,...);
>> ... do something else ...
>> END;

>> This is, again, assuming a good design and collisions are rare.

>> What you did not address is why you think a collision is possible.
>> In most cases that possibility is a red flag to it being a bad design.
>> --
>> Daniel A. Morgan
>> Oracle Ace Director & Instructor
>> University of Washington
>> (replace x with u to respond)
>> Puget Sound Oracle Users
> We are trying to log HTTP requests from tomcat to a database table.
> This would include URL, referrer, user agent (browser), HTTP method
> (GET/POST) etc. It would require lot of space if we log all the
> character data as it is, so we decided to normalize it, but all
> possible values of URL, referrer, UA are not known in advance. So a
> master table for them will be built on the fly as and when new data
> arrives. It may then be possible for two threads to create an entry in
> master table at the same time.
> With this approach, contention would arise only during initial phase,
> when master table is being built. After some time most of the values
> would go into master table and their ID will always be found while
> inserting access log record.
> ( I am aware of the AccessLogValve mechanism provided by Tomcat but we
> are logging some application specific data in each row and making
> these inserts using a separate thread to minimize impact on service
> processing thread)

In this case I think you should follow Daniels design and just ignore the exceptions (but keep the exceptions clause in your code, just put null; in it) : if the value is already there, it's no problem. Only problem might be that in time you will only get exceptions, and no new records.

Shakespeare Received on Thu Dec 20 2007 - 02:13:48 CST

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