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Index > ORACLE Server Parameters > transactions


Oracle 11.1.0:

Parameter Name:transactions
Description:max. number of concurrent active transactions
Type:NUMBER Obsoleted:FALSE

Oracle 10.2.0:

Parameter Name:transactions
Description:max. number of concurrent active transactions
Type:NUMBER Obsoleted:FALSE

Oracle 10.1.0:

Parameter Name:transactions
Description:max. number of concurrent active transactions
Type:NUMBER Obsoleted:FALSE

Oracle 9.2.0:

Parameter Name:transactions
Description:max. number of concurrent active transactions
Type:NUMBER Obsoleted:FALSE

Oracle 8.1.7:

Parameter Name:transactions
Description:max. number of concurrent active transactions
Type:NUMBER Obsoleted:FALSE

Oracle 8.0.6:

Parameter Name:transactions
Description:max. number of concurrent active transactions
Type:NUMBER Obsoleted:FALSE

Oracle 7.3.4:

Parameter Name:transactions
Description:max. number of concurrent active transactions
Type:NUMBER Obsoleted:FALSE

Related Error Messages:

ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource
    Cause: Transactions deadlocked one another while waiting for resources.

    Action: Look at the trace file to see the transactions and resources involved. Retry if necessary.

ORA-00155: cannot perform work outside of global transaction

    Cause: The application tried to perform some work on either an Oracle 7.3 server or an Oracle8 server with local transactions disabled while outside of a global transaction.

    Action: Check if the application is connected to an Oracle 7.3 server. The Transaction monitor must not return a NULL XID on an AX_REG call when the resource manager is Oracle 7.3. If the application is connected to an Oracle8 server, either set nolocal=f in the xa_open string or start a global transaction prior to attempting the work.//

ORA-01545: rollback segment '%s' specified not available

    Cause: Either: 1) An attempt was made to bring a rollback segment online that is unavailable during startup; for example, the rollback segment is in an offline tablespace. 2) An attempt was made to bring a rollback segment online that is already online. This is because the rollback segment is specified twice in the ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS parameter in the initialization parameter file or the rollback segment is already online by another instance. 3) An attempt was made to drop a rollback segment that is currently online. 4) An attempt was made to alter a rollback segment that is currently online to use unlimited extents. 5) An attempt was made to online a rollback segment that is corrupted. This is because the rollback is specified in _corrupted_rollback_segments parameter in initialization parameter file.

    Action: Either: 1) Make the rollback segment available; for example, bring an offline tablespace online. 2) Remove the name from the ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS parameter if the name is a duplicate or if another instance has already acquired the rollback segment. 3) Bring the rollback segment offline first. This may involve waiting for the active transactions to finish, or, if the rollback segment needs recovery, discover which errors are holding up the rolling back of the transactions and take appropriate actions. 4) Same as 3). 5) Remove the name from the _corrupted_rollback_segments parameter.

ORA-01574: maximum number of concurrent transactions exceeded

    Cause: the limit on the number of concurrent transactions has been hit

    Action: shutdown the system, increase the INIT.ORA parameter 'transactions' , and then restart the system.

ORA-01626: rollback segment number '%s' cannot handle more transactions

    Cause: Too many transactions in this segment.

    Action: Choose a different rollback segment, or reduce the number of concurrent transactions.

ORA-01640: cannot make tablespace read only with active transactions

    Cause: Attempting to make a tablespace read only while there are active transactions in the database. All transactions must commit or rollback to insure that there is no undo for a tablespace before it can be made read only. This includes in doubt distributed transactions.

    Action: Prevent any more transactions from being started. Putting the database in restricted mode usually helps. If there are any in doubt transactions they must also be resolved.

ORA-02042: too many distributed transactions

    Cause: the distributed transaction table was full because too manydistributed transactions were active.

    Action: Run fewer transactions. If you are sure you don't have too many concurrent distributed transactions, this indicates an internal error and support should be notified. Instance shutdown/restart would be a work-around.

ORA-02088: distributed database option not installed

    Cause: the distributed transaction table was full because too manydistributed transactions were active.

    Action: Run fewer transactions. If you are sure you don't have too many concurrent distributed transactions, this indicates an internal error and support should be notified. Instance shutdown/restart would be a work-around.

ORA-06519: active autonomous transaction detected and rolled back

    Cause: Before returning from an autonomous PL/SQL block, all autonomous transactions started within the block must be completed (either committed or rolled back). If not, the active autonomous transaction is implicitly rolled back and this error is raised.

    Action: Ensure that before returning from an autonomous PL/SQL block, any active autonomous transactions are explicitly committed or rolled back.//-----------------------------------------------------------------------//06520 through 06529 reserved for Foreign function errors////

ORA-08176: consistent read failure; rollback data not available

    Cause: Encountered data changed by an operation that does not generate rollback data : create index, direct load or discrete transaction.

    Action: In read/write transactions, retry the intended operation. Read only transactions must be restarted.

ORA-12062: transaction %s received out of sequence from site %s

    Cause: A transaction from the client site was received out of sequence. This implies that one or more transactions were missing.

    Action: Ensure that the transaction queue at the client site is valid and has not been corrupted.//

ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use

    Cause: An attempt was made to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table which is already in use.

    Action: All the sessions using the session-specific temporary table have to truncate table and all the transactions using transaction specific temporary table have to end their transactions.

ORA-14552: cannot perform a DDL, commit or rollback inside a query or DML

    Cause: DDL operations like creation tables, views etc. and transaction control statements such as commit/rollback cannot be performed inside a query or a DML statement.

    Action: Ensure that the offending operation is not performed or use autonomous transactions to perform the operation within the query/DML operation.

ORA-16127: stalled waiting for additional transactions to be applied

    Cause: This process is waiting for additional memory before continuing. Additional log information cannot be read into memory until more transactions have been applied to the database, thus freeing up additional memory.

    Action: No action necessary, this informational statement is provided to record the event for diagnostic purposes. If this message occurs often and changes are not being applied quickly, increase available SGA or the number of apply processes.

ORA-16245: paging in transaction %s, %s, %s

    Cause: Builder process is paging in transactions from disk.

    Action: No action necessary, this informational statement is provided to record the event for diagnostic purposes.

ORA-24018: STOP_QUEUE on %s failed, outstanding transactions found

    Cause: There were outstanding transactions on the queue, and WAIT was set to false, so STOP_QUEUE was unsucessful in stopping the queue.//

    Action: Set WAIT to TRUE and try STOP_QUEUE again. It will hang till all outstanding transactions are completed.//

ORA-24753: local transactions cannot be detached

    Cause: An attempt to detach a local transaction was made.

    Action: Local transactions may only be committed or rolled back.

ORA-24774: cannot switch to specified transaction

    Cause: The transaction specified in the call refers to a transaction created by a different user.

    Action: Create transactions with the same authentication so that they can be switched.

ORA-24787: remote cursors must be closed before a call completes

    Cause: The previous operation did not close all the remote cursors it opened. Since separated transactions are enabled, this is not allowed.

    Action: Close all remote cursors in each call, or start a regular (non-separated) transaction.

ORA-24794: no active DTP service found

    Cause: Oracle RM will not serve global (distributed) transaction requests until DTP services are configured in RAC. It is possible that a service was stopped while transactions were in-flight.

    Action: Provision/Start DTP services first.

ORA-26518: push queue synchronization error detected

    Cause: Client tried to repush a transaction has already been committed at the master site. A common cause of this problem is an error at the local site in initializing or updating the local site transaction sequence mechanism.

    Action: Verify that transaction data that RepAPI was attempting to repushed to the master site exists at the master table and is valid and consistent with the local site. If this error occurs, redundantly identified transactions are ignored and then purged from the local updatable materialized view logs. Check that the local site is correctly assigning new transactionIDs and is not accidently generating non-unique values.//

ORA-26685: cannot apply transactions from multiple sources

    Cause: Transactions from multiple sources were sent to the same apply process.

    Action: Create multiple apply processes and create appropriate rules so that transactions from only one source reach an apply process.

ORA-30015: previously offlined undo tablespace '%s' is still pending

    Cause: the current operation is not allowed because an undo tablespace containing active transactions is pending from a previous SWITCH UNDO operation. The operation will be allowed again after all transactions in the previous undo tablespace are committed.

    Action: Wait for all previous transactions to commit before reissuing the current statement.

ORA-30027: Undo quota violation - failed to get %s (bytes)

    Cause: the amount of undo assigned to the consumer group of this session has been exceeded.

    Action: ask DBA to increase undo quota, or wait until other transactions to commit before proceeding.

ORA-30036: unable to extend segment by %s in undo tablespace '%s'

    Cause: the specified undo tablespace has no more space available.

    Action: Add more space to the undo tablespace before retrying the operation. An alternative is to wait until active transactions to commit.

ORA-30514: system trigger cannot modify tablespace being made read only

    Cause: A beofre trigger tries to modify a tablespace which is being made READ ONLY as the part of DDL oepration

    Action: Modify the trigger to avoid modifications to the objects in the same tablespace as the one which is being made read only, or use autonomous transactions to commit modifications

This parameter is documented in the Oracle Server Reference Guide. Search for more info about [ transactions ] on the Oracle FAQ.