Re: Obj$ table

From: Tim Gorman <>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2020 18:01:02 -0700
Message-ID: <>


Forgive me for asking, but what specific evidence is indicating that specific problem?  I am hoping that your response will include the phrases "reproducible test case" and "extended 10046 trace".  :)

Additionally, information about the database version, OS platform, OS version will be appreciated as well?

Please let us know what you think?



On 3/30/2020 5:16 PM, Ali Alizadeh wrote:
> Hello expert
> I am trying to defragment obj$ table.
> Has anyone done this before?
> I appreciate any suggestions !
> Regards,
> Ali
> --

Received on Tue Mar 31 2020 - 03:01:02 CEST

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