Re: diff
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 08:57:25 -0800
Message-ID: <>
There seem to be a number of folks in agreement with your position Mark.
While many of us don't mind, and in fact enjoy helping with solutions to
kind of problems, what is not looked upon too favorably is the when someone
posts a problem, does not do any research at all to try and find the
and then demands that those with the skills do it for them.
When these types of posts come from an employee at an outsourcing company it becomes rather annoying.
Aren't out sourcing folks suppose to already have the skills?
Asking for help on a problem is one thing.
Asking others to do your work for you is something else altogether.
Jared Still
Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist
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On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 7:46 AM, Bobak, Mark <>wrote:
> Hi David,
> The definition of what's acceptable can be found at:
> I see your point, and certainly I made a judgement call. There is probably
> no right answer. However, based on the fact that the original posting made
> no mention of Oracle, added to the fact that this particular poster seems to
> like being spoonfed answers, I took the position I did.
> -Mark
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 21, 2009, at 9:33, "David Pintor" <> wrote:
> Where are exactly the limits on what is off-topic and what it isn't?
> Even if this is an Oracle list and I agree that we should talk about Oracle
> here, I think the subject might be of interest to most DBA's, specially
> those working on Unix servers. It's not like if the question was about how
> to bake a cake or something.
> Also, I presume you will agree that any good DBA *must* have good OS
> skills, which makes me think that this question is not completely unrelated.
> Unfortunately, I don't know either the solution for Noor's question, so if
> anyone can help I would be glad to know the answer :-)
> Thanks!
> David
> 2009/12/21 Bobak, Mark < <>>
>> There seems to be a failure to communicate here. This list is 'Oracle-L'.
>> I don't see any Oracle related questions. Just because there are many people
>> on this list that happen to have knowledge on large variety of subjects,
>> that's not a license to post questions on any subject that strikes your
>> fancy.
>> Please restrict your questions to Oracle related subjects.
>> -Mark
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 21, 2009, at 6:38, "Noor Mulla" < <>
>>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have couple of files (one like below as exmple) which needs to be
>> compared using diff command.
>> File a.txt
>> Table_name row_count
>> A 10
>> D 11
>> C 34
>> D 45
>> E 34
>> F 26
>> G 83
>> File b.txt
>> Table_name row_count
>> A 10
>> D 11
>> C 34
>> C1 67
>> C2 87
>> D 45
>> E 34
>> E1 19
>> E2 90
>> F 26
>> G 83
>> However, if the contents in both the files are not in sequence(side by
>> side) its not giving the correct output.
>> I am using this command - diff a.txt b.txt |awk '{ if($2 != $4) print
>> }'| awk '{printf "%s %s\n",$1, $4}'> result.out
>> How can I get the results irrespective of data not sorted or is there a
>> way that both files can be sorted for order and ignore space/tab etc.
>> Finally, I want to send the result to my manager via mailx ….
>> Eg:
>> DBALIST=’ <>’
>> SUBJECT="WARNING: Row count difference in Oracle Sybase"
>> diff c.txt d.txt |awk '{ if($2 != $4) print }' > result1.out
>> diff e.txt f.txt |awk '{ if($2 != $4) print }' > result2.out
>> diff g.txt h.txt |awk '{ if($2 != $4) print }' > result3.out
>> mailx -s "$SUBJECT" $DBALIST < output.txt
>> How can I club all 3 result* file into one. If I open output.txt file I
>> should be able to identify result1.out,result2.out etc…
>> Thanks & Regards
>> Noor M Mulla
>> HCLT - Bangalore
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-- on Mon Dec 21 2009 - 10:57:25 CST