RE: Hetergenous Dataguard
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 18:53:17 -0600
Message-ID: <394E9FCFBBED3C4D965D0EB84CC30B312F1783C75D_at_EXCHANGE.ddbc.local>
Excellent point. I assumed since one of the source databases was AIX that the Solaris machine would be SPARC, but I should have noted that assumption.
As far as I'm aware, the AIX to linux restore is not possible in 10g though.
Justin Cave
Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: Don Seiler []
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 6:14 PM
To: Justin Cave (DDBC); Sanjay Mishra;;
Subject: Re: Hetergenous Dataguard
I have in fact done two such restores. Both times doing a restore on linux from solaris. Both are x86-64. I have a blog post about it as well on Oracle does support this as long as both architectures are the same and a convert is done on any tablespaces containing UNDO segments.
If you meant Solaris SPARC, then yes, it woudn't work.
On 10/21/09, Justin Cave (DDBC) <> wrote:
> That does not sound realisitic.
> A backup taken on a Solaris machine cannot be restored to a Linux server in
> 10g. Neither can a backup taken from an AIX machine be restored to a Linux
> server in 10g. Starting in 11.1, cross-platform transportable database
> functionality might allow you to do this, but that would only be on the full
> backup and restore, not on the incremental. You may be able to use
> transportable tablespaces in 10g to do the initial copy as well.
> Streams or Oracle Golden Gate would seem like a far more realistic option if
> you need to create a reporting replica in a different geographic region.
> This would not (without some potentially significant work) allow you to fail
> over to the replica, but I am hoping that is not your intention at this
> point.
> Justin Cave
> Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.
> From: Sanjay Mishra []
> Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 10:27 AM
> To:; Justin Cave (DDBC);
> Subject: Re: Hetergenous Dataguard
> Thank s for the information on the Streams. Actually the reason for Datguard
> or other setup is to move the part of the Database to another Geographical
> location. There is not big bandwidth available available between two
> location and so cannot take the backup and copy it to other location and
> make the cutover as Database is around 500G. There is not much changes on
> the Primary Site.
> Can I get an update if this process is feasible for the above scenarios
> 1. Take the Database level 0 backup on Solaris/Aix - There are two
> environment which need to be moved where one is AIX and other Solaris.
> Target is Linux
> 2. Take the Increamental and copy it to target location. On the final date,
> Step 1 Level 0 backup will be restored and incremental one will be applied
> Issue is that if I can continue two backup on the Production like one Full
> going daily and another above incremental. Is it possible to be done both
> recorded in Controlfile or we need to change the backup process to one of
> them only.
> Sanjay
> ________________________________
> From: D'Hooge Freek <>
> To: "" <>; ""
> <>; "" <>
> Sent: Tue, October 20, 2009 6:22:32 PM
> Subject: RE: Hetergenous Dataguard
> Interesting note, although the options seems to be limited
> I thought that the platform always had to be the same.
> Learned something new again today :)
> Regards,
> Freek D'Hooge
> Uptime
> Oracle Database Administrator
> email:<>
> tel +32(0)3 451 23 82
> ________________________________________
> From:<>
> [<>]
> On Behalf Of Justin Cave (DDBC)
> Sent: woensdag 21 oktober 2009 0:05
> To:<>;
> Subject: RE: Hetergenous Dataguard
> I believe Metalink Doc ID 413484.1 Data Guard Support for Heterogeneous
> Primary and Standby Systems in the Same Data Guard Configuration is the
> canonical reference for what configurations are allowed depending on the
> Oracle version.
> Unfortunately, an AIX primary is only compatible with an AIX standby. On
> the other hand, a Linux x86 box can have a Windows standby database.
> Justin Cave
> Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.
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-- Don Seiler ultimate: No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG - Version: 8.5.422 / Virus Database: 270.14.21/2445 - Release Date: 10/19/09 06:40:00 -- on Wed Oct 21 2009 - 19:53:17 CDT