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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> FW: same sql, same execution plan, but the time to complete is very different when run in different time.
snipped to fit.
From: Mark W. Farnham []
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2007 6:48 AM
To: ''; 'oracle-l'
Subject: RE: same sql, same execution plan, but the time to complete is very
different when run in different time.
Your total time difference is less than a factor of three. Of course from your data as presented we have no way to know whether each "bad running" is proprotionally a bit slower or if one or a few of the "bad running" executions are relatively very long possibly meaning most of the "bad running" are actually faster than most of the "good running." Possibly you know, but we don't. Cary Millsap has called this "skewing" and is actually presenting a paper about this being at the bottom of most of the problem resolution brain cramps he has seen. (I'm paraphrasing horribly, but I hope you take away a correct image of the overall theme.)
Interestingly enough, I saw almost the same relative performance ratio on a process in 1989 or 1990 that turned out to be an artifact of having a mixture of 25MHz and 75MHz processors shoved into an SMP box. (I promise you I did not put that machine together. I believe that led to Sequent increasing the font size in the configuration guideline memo for the paragraph where they told you not to do that.)
Now whether you're spinning more on latches, or reading more buffers that have to be reconstructed for read consistency, or have more system level context switching, or simply scanning a bigger buffer pool, or any other greater use of CPU in at least one of the "Bad running" executions, the way to find out is a trace. But which of 1.6 million executions to trace?
Someone may have a better suggestion, but I'm thinking the good experimental news is that you do this every day. If you record the minimum and maximum execution times you'll know whether you're looking for proportional degradation across the system or a small number of outliers. If you have a small number of outliers you're looking for a transient cause that dramatically affected a few of 1.6 million. Then you could reasonably snap tracing on any execution that exceeded the average execution time by a factor of two or so and find out what it is really waiting for (you'll miss part of the job, but probably still see enough if the skewing is large.) If your distribution of execution times is very flat, you're looking for a chronic problem over the duration of the window you measured, so snapping a trace and system statistics on any average "Good running" execution and any average "Bad running" execution has decent a chance to give you your answer to what is "eating" extra CPU.
Or it could be that you have extra indexes that must be changed in the "Bad running" case that have nothing to do with the execution plan but which have columns updated. That is extra work. Or it could be a row movement issue dependent on what the updates are. This is two questions in a row that appear designed to generate guesses. I'd almost guess you're pulling our legs, but that would be a guess and rude, so I won't.
From: []
On Behalf Of qihua wu
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2007 2:12 AM
To: oracle-l
Subject: same sql, same execution plan, but the time to complete is very
different when run in different time.
Hi, we have a batch job(run throught SQLPLUS) which runs every day. For the same sql with the same execution plan, but the time spent on CPU is largely different. One is 781 seconds and another one is 2193 seconds. As buffer gets eat CPU, so I also compared the number of buffer gets and found the number of buffer gets are very close. SQL parsing also eats CPU, but the sql run millions of times inside a procedure, so it should be only parsed once, and one time of parse shouldn't use much CPU. What else can eat so much CPU? <snip>
-- on Mon Nov 12 2007 - 08:12:45 CST
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