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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Routine Checks
Arg. Once again, someone has my hopes up that EM will be usable. I did
try 10gR1 and it was unreliable at best. Does R2 still dump copious
amounts of Java errors that my log checker will pick up? Can the IA be
"reset" with needing to re-freaking-install it?
Gah. I don't have time to mess with it anyway. I need to get up-to-speed on Data Guard. Oh wait, the DG Broker's GUI is EM. This really is the winter of my discontent, or at least 40 charaters of it:
Disclaimer: Beer is not a substitute for caffeiene.
[] On Behalf Of Charles Schultz
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 8:46 AM
To: Mercadante, Thomas F (LABOR)
Cc:; oracle-l
Subject: Re: Routine Checks
Just about everything from to Although, we upgraded the 8i databases shortly after implementing EM10gR2, so I do not think we actually tried the EM features on the 8i databases. However, things work well for the 9i databases, and I have not experienced any problems related to version incompatibilities. We did use the 9i console, but mostly to monitor Production databases for various events (we turned a majority of them off). Our group is much happier with the 10g console (if you can call it that) over the 9i console, even given the various little nuances (ie, you do not always know where you are drilling down to, some of the links are completely counter-intuitive or just incorrect, navigating backwards can be tricky).
Actually, one of the most poignant lessons we learned was very serious at the time, but perhaps a little funny now. I share this with you all so you do not repeat it.
Be very careful when playing with the Maintenance Window. If you follow
"Administration" tab -> "Windows" -> edit "WEEKEND" or "WEEKNIGHT". Note
how the default RESOURCE PLAN is INTERNAL_QUIESCE. If you wish to
strictly change the time of the window (say, one hour later) and forget
to change the Resource Plan, you will be screwed (unless you really
intend to put your database into a coma). I brought this up with our
Oracle Sales Rep and percolated the issue as much as possible, but as
far as I know, this issue has not been fixed yet. Beware the defaults!
The silver lining is that you can get some very obscure and exotic experience in trouble-shooting a database that accidentally quiesced. Would make for a good scenario in one of the DBA workshops.
-- on Wed Aug 16 2006 - 10:25:59 CDT
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