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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Forms/reports Application and DB security
To prevent connections you can use logon triggers to check the program, terminal, ip address,etc they use as said previously.
If you defined the grants to roles and access the tables through roles, you can use secure application roles to check if a user is permitted to enable that role. This way any user you do not approve cannot see your tables, they can only connect to the database with no privileges.
From: Muhammed Soyer []
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 12:53 PM
To: Yasin Baskan
Subject: Re: Forms/reports Application and DB security
I want to allow only our application to access the database .And block all other apps .
08.06.2006 tarihinde Yasin Baskan < <> > yazmış:
What you want to do is blocking connections to the database for the users not using your application, or blocking them to access specific objects?
From: [mailto: <> ] On Behalf Of Muhammed Soyer
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: Forms/reports Application and DB security
This is not an actual solution ..
Anyone can change the names of applications and make themselves seem like an approved application ..
Am I wrong ?
2006/6/8, <>:
You can use a system event trigger (logon) that automatically kills the connections established when the clients use something you don't wont!
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [mailto: <> ] Im Auftrag von Muhammed Soyer
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 8. Juni 2006 08:43
Betreff: Forms/reports Application and DB security
We have applications developed by using forms 6i and reports 6i . We have implemented roles on the DB side .
But we dont want our users to access the database by using other tools like ms excel, ms access etc ..
How can we avoid this ?
Muhammed Soyer
Oracle Developer
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-- on Thu Jun 08 2006 - 06:18:07 CDT
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