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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Help CBO ANOMALY!!! - BUG WITH HASH_AREA_SIZE? :)
Version OS: 2.8
Version Oracle:
SQL> select version from v$instance;
I have a query that uses a number of hash joins. It takes over a minute to run each time. I modify my session and explicitly set hash_area_size to 3,500,000 it runs in 2 seconds. When I look at the parameters for the session hash_area_size is set to:
hash_area_size integer 8192000
The query is:
1 SELECT ae.ae_type, ae.appointing_entity_id, ae.person_last_nm,
2 ae.person_first_nm, ae.person_middle_nm, ae.person_suffix, 3 ae.firm_nm, ae.company_nm, ae.group_name, 4 ae.appointing_entity_num
15 OR ae.person_last_nm LIKE UPPER ('%STATE FARM%') 16 OR ae.person_first_nm LIKE UPPER ('%STATE FARM%') 17 OR ae.person_middle_nm LIKE UPPER ('%STATE FARM%') 18 OR ae.firm_nm LIKE UPPER ('%STATE FARM%')19 )
21 AND mle.licensee_id = appt.licensee_id 22 AND mle.licensee_type = addss.link_table_cd 23 AND mle.licensee_type_id = addss.addr_linked_to_id24 AND ae.appointing_entity_id = appt.appointing_entity_id 25 ORDER BY DECODE (ae.ae_type,
26 'P', ae.person_last_nm || ae.person_first_nm, 27 'F', ae.firm_nm, 28 'C', ae.company_nm, 29 'G', ae.group_name
Here is the stats and time from the one with hash_area_size explicitly set:
SQL> set timing on; SQL> set autotrace on; SQL> alter session set hash_area_size=3500000;Session altered.
1 0 SORT (ORDER BY) (Cost=18696 Card=1033 Bytes=73343) 2 1 HASH JOIN (Cost=18666 Card=1033 Bytes=73343) 3 2 NESTED LOOPS (Cost=18606 Card=1033 Bytes=29957) 4 3 HASH JOIN (Cost=346 Card=830 Bytes=14940) 5 4 INDEX (RANGE SCAN) OF 'MV_ADDRESS_TEMP' (UNIQUE) ( Cost=22 Card=2470 Bytes=22230)
6 4 INDEX (FAST FULL SCAN) OF 'IDX_LICENSEE_TYPE_ID' ( NON-UNIQUE) (Cost=309 Card=770352 Bytes=6933168)
7 3 TABLE ACCESS (BY INDEX ROWID) OF 'MV_APPOINTMENT' (C ost=22 Card=949740 Bytes=10447140)
8 7 INDEX (RANGE SCAN) OF 'IDX_APPT_FK_IDS' (NON-UNIQU E) (Cost=4 Card=949740)
9 2 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'MV_APPOINTING_ENTITY' (Cost=59 Card=8785 Bytes=368970)
The query where hash_area_size is NOT MODIFIED:
SQL> set timing on;
12 rows selected.
Elapsed: 00:01:48.28
Execution Plan
1 0 SORT (ORDER BY) (Cost=17772 Card=1027 Bytes=72917) 2 1 HASH JOIN (Cost=17742 Card=1027 Bytes=72917) 3 2 HASH JOIN (Cost=17682 Card=1027 Bytes=29783) 4 3 INDEX (RANGE SCAN) OF 'MV_ADDRESS_TEMP' (UNIQUE) (Co st=22 Card=2470 Bytes=22230)
5 3 HASH JOIN (Cost=17650 Card=949740 Bytes=18994800) 6 5 INDEX (FAST FULL SCAN) OF 'IDX_LICENSEE_TYPE_ID' ( NON-UNIQUE) (Cost=309 Card=770352 Bytes=6933168)
7 5 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'MV_APPOINTMENT' (Cost=1612 5 Card=949740 Bytes=10447140)
8 2 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'MV_APPOINTING_ENTITY' (Cost=59 Card=8785 Bytes=368970)
-- on Mon Jun 05 2006 - 15:15:38 CDT
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