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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: dbms_job failed to execute
I'm confused;
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: on behalf of Gogala, Mladen
>> Sent: Fri 10/28/2005 3:39 PM
>> Subject: RE: dbms_job failed to execute
>> At the moment, I am deleting 60 messages a day
>> which are more or less entirely dedicated to
>> idiotic discussions like "which Linux is the best".
>> Mladen Gogala
>> Ext. 121
|| -----Original Message----- || From: on behalf of Gogala, Mladen || Sent: Fri 10/28/2005 2:10 PM || Subject: RE: SUSE or Red Hat
Chris Marquez
Oracle DBA
-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Gogala, Mladen
Sent: Fri 10/28/2005 3:39 PM
To: ''; Gogala, Mladen
Cc:; Oracle-L Freelists
Subject: RE: dbms_job failed to execute
Let's name things correctly and call them for what they are. I believe that this should be an elite club where
more or less seasoned oracle professionals meet. There are other lists which are intended for beginners.
Dan Morgan, Sybrand Bakker and Jim Kennedy did a terrific job on People
there are now aware of what will happen if they post a stupid question, without putting in even a minimal effort
to solve the questions themselves. I am trying to achieve the same awareness here and am therefore willing
to accept the role of Sybrand of this group. At the moment, I am deleting 60 messages a day which are more
or less entirely dedicated to idiotic discussions like "which Linux is the best". So far, this list is useless to me
as it is. Unless you come up with some posting guidelines I'll use my wit and bad manners to cut down the
number of useless posts that I receive. I don't care if the beginners are otherwise competent brain surgeons
or rocket scientists but it they are asking a question about oracle, then they should put in a minimal amount of
work or prefix their subject with "newbie" so that I can filter the subject out.
Competency is not clearly defined, there are people who thought that a former camel jockey is competent
enough to be a FEMA director and that organizing camel races is the same thing as helping a city hit by
a hurricane. Your and mine opinions about competency might differ slightly.
-- Mladen Gogala Ext. 121 _____ From: Jared Still [] Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 2:56 PM To: Gogala, Mladen Cc:; Oracle-L Freelists Subject: Re: dbms_job failed to execute Mladen, you're making the assumption that everyone that asks an 'easy' question is too lazy to do some homework. Sometimes 'beginners' are simply otherwise competent people that have to deal with a situation new to them, have consulted the manuals, are still unsure what to do, and have the good sense to ask more knowledgable people before charging ahead with incomplete knowledge and creating a bigger mess than they started with. 'Beginners' are sometimes under pressure from their boss to fix a situation. It could be that their DB is even covered by support, but the local bureaucracy prevents them from contacting support. There are a number of situations whereby someone has insufficient time to do all the research to fully understand the problem - they just gotta fix it. Whatever the situation, does it really matter? Delete the email, skip it, whatever. As 'beginners', they also have the right to exercise 'free speech'. -- Jared Still Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist On 10/28/05, Gogala, Mladen < <> > wrote: Some people (I will not mention any names, of course) feel that asking questions without doing even a minimal investigation is disrespectful to oracle professionals who did invest some work into becoming oracle professionals. Some people will probably continue to discourage such lazy beginners by using all means at their disposal. Some people are equally entitled to their opinion as you are to yours. The first amendment of the email lists reads as follows: Moderator shall make no rule respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the moderator for a redress of grievances. -- Mladen Gogala Ext. 121 _____ -- on Fri Oct 28 2005 - 15:17:36 CDT