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Re: What is the better session memory used stat; UGA or PGA?

From: Radoulov, Dimitre <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 20:48:22 +0200
Message-ID: <004f01c5d994$b4ec0100$a500a8c0@IBME1D11967173>

What is the better session memory used stat; UGA or PGA?Quote from AskTom Forum. Try pmap -x.

The User Global Area (UGA) is memory that is associated with a user session. The UGA normally comes from the SGA to allow migration of sessions across processes. If session migration is disabled, UGA memory will be allocated from
the PGA.

The Process Global Area (PGA) is memory which is physically private to a process
(cannot be accessed by another process). Note that an OS process and an Oracle
session are not equivalent. The PGA, unlike the SGA, can grow at runtime.

So, in dedicated server mode, when session migration is not needed, the UGA is
in the PGA is in the individual process.

It looks like you are using Solaris. On Solaris, ps, top and other tools are
virtually useless for looking at memory usage of Oracle processes. They report back not only the process memory but all shared memory attached by the
process. You are seeing much of the SGA as well as process memory in that report.

You should investigate the /usr/proc/bin/pmap utility instead. It'll report back the breakdown of memory, showing shared memory segments and shared data from .so files and the like.


We use UGA memory in dedicated server mode. It is just where is the UGA located
-- in dedicated server mode, it's in the PGA. In shared server mode, it's
the SGA.

If you have my book -- i describe these structures in some detail, here is a short extract:


As stated earlier, the PGA is a process piece of memory. This is memory specific
to a single operating system process or thread. This memory is not accessible by
any other process/thread in the system. It is typically allocated via the C run-time call malloc(), and may grow (and shrink even) at run-time. The PGA is
never allocated out of Oracle's SGA - it is always allocated locally by the process or thread.

The UGA is in effect, your session's state. It is memory that your session must
always be able to get to. The location of the UGA is wholly dependent on how Oracle has been configured to accept connections. If you have configured MTS,
then the UGA must be stored in a memory structure that everyone has access to -
and that would be the SGA. In this way, your session can use any one of the shared servers, since any one of them can read and write your sessions data. On the other hand, if you are using a dedicated server connection, this need for universal access to your session state goes away, and the UGA becomes virtually synonymous with the PGA - it will in fact be contained in the PGA. In
fact, when you look at the system statistics, you'll find the UGA reported in
the PGA in dedicated server mode (the PGA will be greater then or equal to the
UGA memory used, the PGA memory size will include the UGA size as well).


For more info:,F4950_P8_CRITERIA:267215452482,F4950_P8_CRITERIA:404110378143

Dimitre Radoulov


UGA is part of the PGA, and PGA part of the SGA. Which is the better stat for session memory (currently) used? I think and am finding UGA as the answer...but don't want to ignore the higher PGA number I see, considering what the PGA holds.



-- Current UGA size for the session.

        (select y.SID, TO_CHAR(ROUND(y.value/1024),99999999) || ' KB' UGA_MEMORY from v$sesstat y, v$statname z where y.STATISTIC# = z.STATISTIC# and NAME = 'session uga memory') a,
-- Current PGA size for the session.

        (select y.SID, TO_CHAR(ROUND(y.value/1024),99999999) || ' KB' PGA_MEMORY from v$sesstat y, v$statname z where y.STATISTIC# = z.STATISTIC# and NAME = 'session pga memory') b,

        v$session e
WHERE e.sid=a.sid
AND e.sid=b.sid

        a.UGA_MEMORY desc

       SID USERNAME      STATUS                   UGA_MEMORY 
---------- ------------- ------------------------ -------------------- --------------------
       190 SCOTT         ACTIVE                       14723 KB 
17243 KB
        25 SYS           ACTIVE                        2205 KB 
401 KB
        80 WEBUSERS      ACTIVE                         422 KB 
1616 KB
        50               ACTIVE                          37 KB 
11532 KB
       222               ACTIVE                          37 KB 
8412 KB
       169               ACTIVE                          37 KB 
6370 KB
       217               ACTIVE                          36 KB 
115 KB
        16               ACTIVE                          36 KB 
4255 KB
         3               ACTIVE                          36 KB 
2030 KB
        15               ACTIVE                          36 KB 
4255 KB
        19               ACTIVE                          36 KB 
1366 KB
         1               ACTIVE                          36 KB 
115 KB
        11               ACTIVE                          35 KB 
3443 KB
         9               ACTIVE                          34 KB 
1558 KB
         2               ACTIVE                          33 KB 
208 KB
         4               ACTIVE                          33 KB 
2951 KB
         5               ACTIVE                          33 KB 
3918 KB
        10               ACTIVE                          33 KB 
8439 KB
         7               ACTIVE                          33 KB 
3918 KB
       133 WEBUSERS      INACTIVE                      1653 KB 
2546 KB
        61 WEBUSERS      INACTIVE                      1422 KB 
2336 KB
       194 WEBUSERS      INACTIVE                       565 KB 
1901 KB
       154 WEBUSERS      INACTIVE                       511 KB 
1902 KB
        22 WEBUSERS      INACTIVE                       491 KB 
1853 KB


Chris Marquez
Oracle DBA

Received on Tue Oct 25 2005 - 14:18:43 CDT

Original text of this message