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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> What is the better session memory used stat; UGA or PGA?
UGA is part of the PGA, and PGA part of the SGA. Which is the better stat for session memory (currently) used? I think and am finding UGA as the answer...but don't want to ignore the higher PGA number I see, considering what the PGA holds.
e.SID, e.username, e.status, a.UGA_MEMORY, b.PGA_MEMORY
(select y.SID, TO_CHAR(ROUND(y.value/1024),99999999) || ' KB' UGA_MEMORY from v$sesstat y, v$statname z where y.STATISTIC# = z.STATISTIC# and NAME = 'session uga memory') a,
-- Current PGA size for the session.
(select y.SID, TO_CHAR(ROUND(y.value/1024),99999999) || ' KB' PGA_MEMORY from v$sesstat y, v$statname z where y.STATISTIC# = z.STATISTIC# and NAME = 'session pga memory') b,
v$session e WHERE e.sid=a.sid AND e.sid=b.sid ORDER BY e.status, a.UGA_MEMORY desc
SID USERNAME STATUS UGA_MEMORY PGA_MEMORY ---------- ------------- ------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- 190 SCOTT ACTIVE 14723 KB 17243 KB 25 SYS ACTIVE 2205 KB 401 KB 80 WEBUSERS ACTIVE 422 KB 1616 KB 50 ACTIVE 37 KB 11532 KB 222 ACTIVE 37 KB 8412 KB 169 ACTIVE 37 KB 6370 KB 217 ACTIVE 36 KB 115 KB 16 ACTIVE 36 KB 4255 KB 3 ACTIVE 36 KB 2030 KB 15 ACTIVE 36 KB 4255 KB 19 ACTIVE 36 KB 1366 KB 1 ACTIVE 36 KB 115 KB 11 ACTIVE 35 KB 3443 KB 9 ACTIVE 34 KB 1558 KB 2 ACTIVE 33 KB 208 KB 4 ACTIVE 33 KB 2951 KB 5 ACTIVE 33 KB 3918 KB 10 ACTIVE 33 KB 8439 KB 7 ACTIVE 33 KB 3918 KB 133 WEBUSERS INACTIVE 1653 KB 2546 KB 61 WEBUSERS INACTIVE 1422 KB 2336 KB 194 WEBUSERS INACTIVE 565 KB 1901 KB 154 WEBUSERS INACTIVE 511 KB 1902 KB 22 WEBUSERS INACTIVE 491 KB 1853 KB
Chris Marquez
Oracle DBA
-- on Tue Oct 25 2005 - 13:16:00 CDT