Topic |
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Last message |
TKPROF output analysis windows 2012, oracle 12c |
4 |
9490 |
Thu, 23 July 2015 01:39 By: Michel Cadot  |
Tuning data deletion that is taking long time on Linux |
16 |
9784 |
Fri, 17 July 2015 05:59 By: orausern  |
Drop Unused columns,Linux x86_64 |
3 |
6939 |
Thu, 16 July 2015 09:28 By: bpeasland  |
Help for tuning the sql Query |
9 |
7540 |
Thu, 16 July 2015 03:22 By: cookiemonster  |
Change in he execution plan 12c By: jinga on Mon, 13 July 2015 |
8 |
6951 |
Wed, 15 July 2015 02:48 By: cookiemonster  |
Query not have much cost on Explain Plan but very very slow oracle 10g |
4 |
6801 |
Mon, 13 July 2015 02:07 By: John Watson  |
Please provide help for tuning the sql Query Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production By: msol25 on Sun, 12 July 2015 |
1 |
5149 |
Sun, 12 July 2015 07:19 By: John Watson  |
Histograms - good or bad? (split from http://www.orafaq.com/forum/mv/msg/197539/638244/#msg_638244) |
8 |
8214 |
Tue, 07 July 2015 04:22 By: John Watson  |
Oracle does not use a conditional index oracle 11g |
7 |
8390 |
Mon, 06 July 2015 13:46 By: John Watson  |
flashback Oracle 11g |
8 |
7799 |
Mon, 06 July 2015 03:22 By: gazzag  |
'Configuration' wait class in AWR report 12 |
4 |
17326 |
Sun, 05 July 2015 08:29 By: John Watson  |
Oracle Optimizer cost (merged) Oracle11g |
8 |
7994 |
Wed, 01 July 2015 10:16 By: Lalit Kumar B  |
SQL Tuning Advise Oracle - 64bit Production |
8 |
14492 |
Fri, 19 June 2015 11:57 By: BlackSwan  |
ANALYZE and GATHER STATS windows 2012, oracle 12c |
17 |
11556 |
Thu, 11 June 2015 01:23 By: Lalit Kumar B  |
Oracle Performance Issue linked to Concurrency 11G |
4 |
6308 |
Wed, 03 June 2015 02:09 By: John Watson  |
Please help for improving execution plan Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production By: msol25 on Mon, 01 June 2015 |
8 |
7345 |
Tue, 02 June 2015 02:35 By: Roachcoach  |
properly tune parallel parameters? |
1 |
5759 |
Sun, 31 May 2015 13:53 By: Michel Cadot  |
How Can I Tune this Query Oracle SE 10g R2 - |
6 |
7983 |
Tue, 26 May 2015 09:04 By: cookiemonster  |
Materialized view option (suggestion) Oracle, Linux x86 64 |
5 |
8215 |
Fri, 22 May 2015 09:34 By: bpeasland  |
SQL execution takes long time Oracle, Linux x86 64 |
7 |
7233 |
Fri, 22 May 2015 01:19 By: hitesh.bhatt  |
Select statement taking Long time to execute Oracle 10g |
7 |
11167 |
Thu, 21 May 2015 23:18 By: rleishman  |
Set NOLOGGING for tables in UAT windows 2012, oracle 12c |
6 |
6998 |
Thu, 21 May 2015 09:24 By: bpeasland  |
Find cpu MHz in Oracle view Linux red hat 6.6, oracle |
2 |
6320 |
Thu, 14 May 2015 08:01 By: BlackSwan  |
9 |
11504 |
Tue, 12 May 2015 10:29 By: paolfili  |
How to check index is re-built 11g,, Window server |
3 |
5962 |
Thu, 30 April 2015 02:21 By: ashishkumarmahanta80  |
Query running very slow oracle 9i, windows 2003 server By: zkdba on Thu, 16 April 2015 |
5 |
8405 |
Sun, 19 April 2015 13:40 By: Kevin Meade  |
Do we need to rebound instance when we Determine the Practical Range for FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET Enterprise Edition |
3 |
7009 |
Fri, 17 April 2015 20:38 By: juniordbanewbie  |
4 |
10031 |
Mon, 13 April 2015 02:35 By: Roachcoach  |
indexing nulls oracle on Linux |
6 |
8051 |
Fri, 10 April 2015 11:24 By: Lalit Kumar B  |
Index skip scan |
7 |
8383 |
Mon, 06 April 2015 02:41 By: Roachcoach  |
performance |
2 |
5975 |
Wed, 01 April 2015 00:15 By: Michel Cadot  |
performance |
3 |
6538 |
Tue, 31 March 2015 08:57 By: Michel Cadot  |
ORA-00439: feature not enabled: Bit-mapped indexes |
14 |
42155 |
Tue, 31 March 2015 01:39 By: ramanakakarla  |
Bind variable for date type takes longer time in a query toad 10g |
3 |
7104 |
Sun, 29 March 2015 07:53 By: Kevin Meade  |
Image File Size oracle 11 g |
0 |
5245 |
Tue, 24 March 2015 02:35 By: simplesanju  |
Union (all) and outline hints |
3 |
5926 |
Sat, 21 March 2015 04:05 By: billgate123  |
CPU consumption calculation for sqls Oracle, AIX 6.1 |
1 |
5551 |
Mon, 16 March 2015 11:27 By: Michel Cadot  |
Compression benefits and options Oracle on Linux |
8 |
7271 |
Sun, 15 March 2015 12:27 By: orausern  |
Information to provide when asking for tuning help. |
0 |
5304 |
Wed, 11 March 2015 20:43 By: Kevin Meade  |
Same Data, Two machines but different timings. Why? |
10 |
8598 |
Tue, 10 March 2015 22:43 By: Kevin Meade  |