Re: The sixth normal form is just a name - nothing more.

From: vldm10 <>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2018 03:39:49 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

I thought that this user group "is dead", so I do not use it everyday and because of that I did not reply immediately.

In this thread I mentioned the book "The temporal data and The Relational model" written by Date, Darwen and Lorentzos. In their book, authors use the database called "The suppliers-and-parts" as "The running example". In this database, authors use relations Suppliers, Parts and Shipments. In all their relations, the keys are simple. The simple key is the simplest case. However the case of 6NF is with the most complex scientific problem - these are atomic structures. Note that when we have a complex key, that is, a key composed of n attributes, then the atomic structures are absurd, because this atomic structure has one attribute and a key that is complex, composed of n attributes.
Such key causes major problems. For example, it is possible that in this complex key its attributes change their values - one or more values - one or more attributes - at one point of time - at different points of time or at time intervals ...
Note that the relations described by "relationships among entities" can be constructed of n complex keys whose attributes change values over time.

Atomic structures precisely determine how thoughts are constructed, how concepts are constructed, and also determines the construction of objects, predicates, propositions ... These are fundamental questions in several sciences. I want to say that this is a topic about very important things.

The Sixth Normal Form does not offer any particular procedure or solution, which allows the "relations" to be brought to the sixth normal form. However that is the only that matter.
So 6NF is just a name.

Paper „Anchor Modeling“ won the first prize at the well-known World Congress, whose honorary president is Peter Chan. The authors of "Anchor modeling" put the "sixth normal form" in the title of their paper. Authors of "Anchor Modeling" use the so-called "surrogate key" for their main structure.
Edgar Codd also tried to obtain the atomic structures. He tried to do it using the "surrogate key".
However, Edgar Codd and the authors of 6NF are bluffing that they have given the solution to atomic structures. They have not given any concrete and realistic solution that can really be applied. The authors of "Anchor Modeling" in their main structure "Anchor" plagued my solution and idea. However, the authors of "Anchor Modeling" have introduced some of their own ideas that are irrelevant and of minor significance. Authors of „Anchor modeling“ are based on Codd's "Atomic Structures" and
"Atomic Structures" from 6NF.

On this user group I have presented examples that show that "Anchor Modeling" can not solve some important problems. I have also shown that
"Anchor Modeling" can cause chaos in databases. Some of my examples show
that crime can be made in the database using "Anchor Modeling".

Vladimir Odrljin Received on Fri Oct 12 2018 - 12:39:49 CEST

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