„Anchor modeling“ is the brutal plagiarism of my paper – Part II

From: vldm10 <vldm10_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2018 00:50:24 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <4be083ec-7d0d-45e1-a1a8-1e8ef20cb72c_at_googlegroups.com>

In the previous thread under the name: „Anchor modeling is a brutal plagiarism of my paper – Part I“. I presented what the authors of "Anchor Modeling" had plagiarized and where they made the mistake in that theft of my results:

(i) I wrote that they plagiarized the surrogate key from my general


(ii) I also wrote, the authors of "Anchor modeling" did not take into

       account my theory of the state of the object and my identifier of a 
       state of an entity.

We need to be careful when working with surrogates. Let me present one fictional example.
The Honda company decided to make the series of 100 identical Honda civic because their customers decided so.
Each of these 100 Honda has the same attributes as the others 99 Honda in this group.
Each of these 100 Honda has the same parts as the others 99 Honda in this group.
If one apply "Anchor surrogate key" then you will have chaos in database. However, if you apply my database solution, then you will not have any problems.

My first paper I published on the web site www.dbdesign10.com on September 17, 2005 and on this user group on September 23, 2005. Anchor modeling was published on November 9, 2009. The difference is 4 years.

So my paper was represented four years before "Anchor Modeling". At that time the most popular web site for the database theory was this web site where I write. Messages from this user group have been translated into over 20 languages.

I explained my database solutions to this user group. Interest for my database solutions was huge and the discussion lasts from year 2005 up to today. You can see this tremendous discussion on this user group, almost 15 years. In these long debates on this user group, I've never changed something in my scientific papers. I always answered all questions. My point is that my solutions were known to many persons around the world.

I will give only one example (of many), which shows that at mentioned International Conference, even the serious nonsense from scientific paper of authors of "Anchor Modeling" was accepted.

The authors of "Anchor Modeling" put in the title of their paper the following text: “...using sixth normal form“

On 6 august 2010, on this user group at thread „The original version“ , I wrote the following:

In "Anchor Modeling" They start from the E / R and go in the RM, so do 6NF, and return to the E / R. But it was not discussed in the paper, so it's not clear how to do it. For example the definition of 6NF is interesting: (A table is in 6NF iff it satisfies no nontrivial join dependencies at all.) We can note that mapping of schemas between two db models can be complex, for examples it can include constrains.

Authors of "Anchor Modeling" have actually worked in two data models and that's a kind of nonsense.
I have been criticizing authors of "Anchor Modeling" paper that has won the first prize at the International Conference. they made many serious mistakes in this paper. One such „heavy level mistake“ is that they work in two data models at once (in the Anchor Model and the Relational Model). Because of this major mistake, the paper "Anchor Modeling" had to be banned from attending this International Conference. The title of this paper is: „An agile modeling technique using the sixth normal form for structurally and temporally evolving data“.

On December 2010, the authors of "Anchor Modeling" published their second paper "Agile information modeling in evolving data environments" at Data & Knowledge Engineering.
In this paper authors of „Anchor modeling“ tried to fix the errors and they did it very bad and again with errors.
Peter Chen is the Editor-in-Chief at Data & Knowledge Engineering. Peter Chen is also a kind of honorary president at the ER 2009 International Conference where the authors of "Anchor Modeling" got the first prize.

What happened here?
The authors of Anchor modeling are in their first work plagiarized important results of my theory. For example, their basic term is "Anchor". "Anchor" is a brutal plagiarism of my work. These are things that for the first time solved important problems in history. In addition, they made mistakes, which were corrected in another paper, after my public criticism. This means that Anchor modeling received the first prize at "ER 2009" with serious mistakes in its first paper.
I complained to Mr P. Chen about this plagiarism of the author of "Anchor modeling". I did not get a response from Mr. P. Chen.

In their second paper, authors of "Anchor Modeling" have now made new plagiarisms of my papers. I will only mention two plagiarisms that the authors of "Anchor Modeling" have done in their second work. These two plagiarisms are associated with ideas of great scientific value.

  1. The First plagiarism is "identifier".
    This term is introduced in the „Definition 16“ in the second paper of Anchor Modeling.

I will briefly, as far as possible in one thread, try to explain my identification theory.
I introduced my identification theory in the following way. What is the identification?
It is the determination of identity.
Which kind of the identity it is?
(i) Identity of the attribute.
(ii) Identity of the entity (or relationship).
(iii) Identity of the state of the entity( or relationship).

I determined the identifier of the entiteta and the identifier of the state of an entiteta (the relationships and state of relationships is similarly defined)
I changed some of the things in Leibniz's law:

  • In addition to the intrinsic properties, I have also introduced extrinsic properties into objects.
  • In my papers, the complete theory of atomic structure was built for the first time.
  • For the first time, it is exactly explained, of which atoms all these things are constructed. I mean on propositions, predicates, objects, concepts and thoughts.
  • For the fist time stanja objekata, umjesto objekata u mojem radu su prvi put uvedeni

In all the above-mentioned theories, very important role plays an identifier of the entity, identifier of relationships and identifiers of corresponding states. This is why authors of "Anchor Modeling" plagiarized the identifier".
This is the brutal plagiarism which is related to the most important things in many sciences.  

2. The second plagiarism u drugom radu od „Anchor modeling“

In the second plagiarism, which is from second „Anchor modeling“ paper, the authors of "Anchor modeling" plagiarized "states" of entities, attributes and relationships. They introduced the states at section 4.5 in their second paper „Agile information modeling in evolving data environment“

First, to say clearly, I introduced "states" in database theory, 5 years before the authors of "Anchor Modeling". "The states were presented at this user group in 2005, while the authors of Anchor Modeling presented their paper in December 2010.
My work on states of objects represents a significant contribution in science, from mathematics to philosophy, logic and semantics. In my opinion this semantic procedure with "states" for objects completely changed the theory of objects and how mental procedures work. Here we have the situation that the object is changing, however this object remains the same entity in man's mind.

Vladimir Odrljin Received on Sun Aug 19 2018 - 09:50:24 CEST

Original text of this message