Re: The Null Problem is a Non-issue

From: Derek Asirvadem <>
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2014 16:34:25 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

> On Thursday, 4 September 2014 05:42:08 UTC+10, Eric wrote:

I have answered you in detail in the "RDBMS using Hashtables" thread. If and when you: a. stop lying, and
b. stop your deranged self-contradiction of screaming for answers while at the same time screaming that you don't want the answer I will consider answering your post. And not until then.

There are at least two (probably more, but at least two have been determined beyond a shadow of a doubt) fragmented parts of your personality disorder, that you need to resolve, for yourself, before you can receive any response from me to your questions. In case you have forgotten, as you usually do, when carefully picking and choosing what to remember, your fragmented personality that asks me questions is contradicting your other fragmented personality that states you don't want the answer.

Further, I remind you again, as detailed in the referenced thread, as only idiots and the deranged need to be told: c. a non-response from me does not mean that your statement is correct, or that I have no response. It only means that I have not responded.

In your last post on this thread, there are a few things that you state that are correct, but there are others that are incorrect, and the conclusion you have drawn is grossly incorrect. I will not be responding in detail due to (a) (b). And it is impossible anyway, due to (b), no one can service such a contradiction. So you have to acknowledge and fix (a) and (b).

d. Regarding your new questions, which yet again, proves that one fragmented part of you is asking me questions:

> > 2. There is no "problem in database design". Any and all "problems"
> > are completely resolved by formal education on the subject.

> Completely? There is no perfect education, no perfect students, and can
you prove that there is a perfect theory? In any case we are stuck with so many systems and databases created by the very inadequately educated. Can you be absolutely certain that some client will not hand you a business requirement that the methodology you apparently have will not be able to cope with?

I will not be responding to them (either the questions, or the statements, or the statements-posed-as-questions) until (a) and (b) Received on Thu Sep 04 2014 - 01:34:25 CEST

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