Re: How to normalize this?

From: Eric <>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 21:36:11 +0000
Message-ID: <>

On 2013-02-10, <> wrote:
> Op zondag 10 februari 2013 15:45:16 UTC+1 schreef Eric het volgende:
> Hi Eric,
> Yes, you are right. With only the given FDs, that would not be an
> inconsistency. I had overlooked that in my previous reply; it is only an
> inconsistency in the original problem (which gave the information that
> (ABCDE) was a good solution until I found the stricter FDs.
>> The other possibility is that the new set of FDs is still wrong, and
>> there is other information that that has not come to light. You may have
>> to go back to the real world and make sure you have the complete set of
>> FDs.
> Unfortunately, there is no real world problem to go back to. This problem
> stems from my thinking about normalization and trying to understand how
> the rules behave with edge cases.
> However, I did at one point start to doubt if, perhaps, I had formulated
> a set of FDs that could impossible exist in the real world, so I then set
> myself the task of trying to find a (more or less) realistic scenario
> with this set of FDs. I managed to find something that, while probably
> not realistic enough to qualify as "real world" (so please don't comment
> on that), is believable enough to qualify as a classroom exercise.
> A charity is organizing a big fundraiser event. Several rock bands
> and several opera singers will participate. Throughout the country,
> in different locations, there will be performances where one rock band
> and one opera singer will sing one song together. This event will take
> place over a month. On any given date, there may be performances in
> different locations. At any given locations, there may be performances
> at different dates.
> A band can play more than one song on a given date, but not with the
> same opera singer. They might have another performance with the same
> singer at another date, either at the same or another location, and
> either with the same or another song. If a band does play with multiple
> opera singers at the same date, it may be the same or a different song.
> An opera singer can play more than one song on a given date, but not
> with the same band. They might have another performance with the same
> band at another date, either at the same or another location, and either
> with the same or another song. If an opera singe does play with multiple
> bands at the same date, it may be the same or a different song.
> Functional dependencies so far: (Band, Singer, Date) --> Location and
> (Band, Singer, Date) --> Song.
> The additional requirement is: If a band plays multiple songs on the same
> date, they all have to be in the same location. And the same restriction
> goes for opera singers. Though technically possible to have a performing
> artist perform in New York and London on the same day, the organization
> lacks the travel budget for it. So now we have (Band, Date) --> Location
> and (Singer, Date) --> Location, both superseding the original (Band,
> Singer, Date) --> Location.
> In this example scenario, if Placido Domingo and Fun are scheduled to
> play "Imagine" in London on March 15, 2013, and I change the location
> for Placido Domingo to New York, I have to change it for Fun too -
> otherwise they won't be performing together!
> In the original, single-table version, this is not a problem. It's one
> single update. But that violates 2NF.
> After solving that, we now have this issue. I can formulate the
> requirement that would be violated in terms of the example (if a band
> and singer perform on the same date, they must be in the same location
> on that date). Or in abstract terms for the original problem (for any
> (a1, b1, c1) in R1, there must be a (a1, b1, e1) in R2 and a (b1, c1,
> e2) in R3, such that e1 = e2 - forgive me if some of the terminology
> is wrong; I think about this in Dutch and have to translate). But I
> am not able to transform this requirement into the form of a regular
> functional dependency.

The scenario is plausible, but I don't feel any more comfortable with it than I did with the abstract example. I think (Band, Date) --> Location and (Singer, Date) --> Location are correct (they correspond to performer itineraries), but all I can get to after that is

(Band, Singer, Date, Location) --> Song

Take any single thing out of the left-hand side and either you can not identify the Song, or no Song is possible.

I'm afraid I do not really know where to go from there.


ms fnd in a lbry
Received on Mon Feb 11 2013 - 22:36:11 CET

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