Re: Getting a grip on nested intervals and matrix encoding

From: creecode <>
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 11:39:12 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,

I'm onto the relocating tree branches section of the chapter in the book. The query in the book didn't originally work for me and I think that was due to the WHERE part of the query not selecting the descendants correctly. I want to verify that my modified query is doing what the book intended to show.

So using my previous favorite MatrixTreeNodes...

/* relocate tree branch */

SELECT a11, a12, a21, a22 INTO _at_a11, @a12, @a21, @a22 FROM MatrixTreeNodes WHERE name = 'BLAKE';
SELECT a11, a12, a21, a22 INTO _at_b11, @b12, @b21, @b22 FROM MatrixTreeNodes WHERE name = 'FORD';

SELECT name, a11, a12, a21, a22, materialized_path,  ( _at_b12 * @a21 - @b11 * @a22 ) * c.a11 + ( @b11 * @a12 - @b12 * @a11 ) * c.a21 AS new_a11,
 ( _at_b12 * @a21 - @b11 * @a22 ) * c.a12 + ( @b11 * @a12 - @b12 * @a11 ) * c.a22 AS new_a12,
 ( _at_b22 * @a21 - @b21 * @a22 ) * c.a11 + ( @b21 * @a12 - @b22 * @a11 ) * c.a21 AS new_a21,
 ( _at_b22 * @a21 - @b21 * @a22 ) * c.a12 + ( @b21 * @a12 - @b22 * @a11 ) * c.a22 AS new_a22
FROM MatrixTreeNodes AS c
WHERE ( _at_a11 - @a12 ) * ( c.a21 - c.a22 ) <= ( c.a11 - c.a12 ) * ( _at_a21 - @a22 ) AND c.a11 * @a21 < @a11 * c.a21;

name a11 a12 a21 a22 materialized_path new_a11 new_a12 new_a21 new_a22
ALLEN 8 5 5 3 1.2.1 11 7 8 5 WARD 13 5 8 3 1.2.2 18 7 13 5 MARTIN 18 5 11 3 1.2.3 25 7 18 5 I am a bit unclear from the language in the book if we're dealing with moving only the descendants of node A or node A and its descendants. The text first mentions "Consider a tree branch located at the node encoded with matrix A" and then "How would the encoding of some node C (which is located in the tree branch under A) change and "-- all the descendants of matrix -- [[:a11,:a12][:a21,:a22]]". I'm leaning towards descendants. :-)

Although with a small change the query seems to deal with relocating node A and descendants into the place of node B...

SELECT name, a11, a12, a21, a22, materialized_path,  ( _at_b12 * @a21 - @b11 * @a22 ) * c.a11 + ( @b11 * @a12 - @b12 * @a11 ) * c.a21 AS new_a11,
 ( _at_b12 * @a21 - @b11 * @a22 ) * c.a12 + ( @b11 * @a12 - @b12 * @a11 ) * c.a22 AS new_a12,
 ( _at_b22 * @a21 - @b21 * @a22 ) * c.a11 + ( @b21 * @a12 - @b22 * @a11 ) * c.a21 AS new_a21,
 ( _at_b22 * @a21 - @b21 * @a22 ) * c.a12 + ( @b21 * @a12 - @b22 * @a11 ) * c.a22 AS new_a22

FROM MatrixTreeNodes AS c
WHERE ( _at_a11 - @a12 ) * ( c.a21 - c.a22 ) <= ( c.a11 - c.a12 ) * ( _at_a21 - @a22 ) AND c.a11 * @a21 <= @a11 * c.a21;

name a11 a12 a21 a22 materialized_path new_a11 new_a12 new_a21 new_a22

BLAKE    5    2    3    1    1.2    7    3    5    2
ALLEN    8    5    5    3    1.2.1    11    7    8    5
WARD    13    5    8    3    1.2.2    18    7    13    5
MARTIN 18 5 11 3 1.2.3 25 7 18 5 Once the relocating query seems to be verified as OK then I'll probably ask some questions about how to best go about dealing with collisions.

> On Jul 1, 2:05 pm, creecode <> wrote:

> I'm attempting to use Vadim Tropashko's nested intervals and matrix
> encoding technique.  As described in chapter 5 of his "SQL Design
> Patterns" book and also in various online articles and discussion
> groups.

creecode Received on Mon Sep 13 2010 - 20:39:12 CEST

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