Re: more closed-world chatter

From: Vadim Tropashko <>
Date: 10 May 2007 09:55:45 -0700
Message-ID: <>

> > Is generalized minus the same as semiminus?
> I suggest semijoin

eh, antijoin

> as a generalized minus. The generalized Date
> identity is:
> (A /\ B) \/ (A /\ 00) = A \ (A \ B)
> where /\ is join, \/ is generalized union, and \ is antijoin.

The reason why this formula is fascinating is that setting B=11 reduces it to

(A /\ 11) \/ (A /\ 00) = A

the "fundamental" decomposition identity (Proposition 1 from Received on Thu May 10 2007 - 18:55:45 CEST

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