Re: Table/Attribute Modeling

From: Gene Wirchenko <>
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 22:18:27 -0800
Message-ID: <>

"Marshall" <> wrote:

>I was interviewing a guy today, and he had obviously
>been formally schooled in ERM. Every time I run in to

      ^^^^^^^^             ^^^
     <caff, caff!>

>that I feel vaguely left out. I don't have a methodology
>with a cool name that I use. How am I supposed to
>impress the babes and wow my boss without an
>important name for what I do? Waaah!
>Driving home, it hit me: I *do* have a methodology
>that I use for schema design; it just doesn't have
>a cool name. What I need is a cool name! So I
>tried to think of a name for the methodology I use
>for schema design; one that was important sounding,
>so it would impress people, and yet also descriptive
>of what it is I actually do. I then it came to me:

     If the two are not mutually exclusive, they are rather close.

> "Table/Attribute Modeling."

     "Relation-Attribute Modeling"? When you have a problem, RAM it.

>I do T/AM. What crappy methodology do you use?
>Oh, that's so 1990s. I pity you.

     You are so last millennium. <waving fingers dismissively>

>You see, with Table/Attribute Modeling, I analyze
>application requirements to generate a set of
>necessary tables, and a set of attributes for each
>table. Then I'm able to convert these sets into
>actual executable SQL DDL, using a proprietary
>algorithm that I made up just now. You probably
>couldn't understand it. And voila! There's my schema.
>I do it this way because I'm so awesome.

     That should be the other way around, no?

>PS. In high school biology, we had an assignment
>once to come up with a mnemonic for the hierarchy
>"Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species."
>A friend of mine did the assignment roughly as follows:
>"Whenever I have to recall the classification hierarchy,
>I am able to do so by remembering these simple words:
>Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species."


     My mother says, "Really, you should study."

     What? You do not think that the last letters are important?


Gene Wirchenko

Computerese Irregular Verb Conjugation:

     I have preferences.
     You have biases.
     He/She has prejudices.
Received on Sun Mar 11 2007 - 07:18:27 CET

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